Have identical versions installed, in one query works fine, in another, 
pukes with the error in the subject.

When I query by hand (via mysql client) works fine.

Not even that much data to complain about!

 mysql> select
    -> group_concat(concat('',hosts.name,'') order by hosts.name asc 
separator ' \\\\ ') as "Atlanta Hosts"
    -> from hosts, services, service_names, hostgroup_host, hostgroups, 
jiradb.membershipbase membershipbase
    -> where
    -> hosts.host_id=services.host_id
    -> and hostgroup_host.host_id=hosts.host_id
    -> and hostgroups.hostgroup_id=hostgroup_host.hostgroup_id
    -> and service_names.servicename_id=services.servicename_id
    -> and service_names.name='check_snmp_time'
    -> and 
    -> and membershipbase.user_name='admitriev'
    -> ;
| Atlanta Hosts                                                          
| lsdcp01 \\ lsdcp02 \\ lsdoip01 \\ lsdoip02 \\ lsproddcp01 \\ 
lsprodomp01 \\ lswwwp02 \\ mt-atl-back1 \\ mt-atl-mon1 \\ mt-atl-perf20 
\\ mt-atl-perf21 \\ mt-atl-perf22 \\ rcaiwpxyp01 |
1 row in set, 170 warnings (0.02 sec)

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