I'm new to bin-logging and replication. I have a database, about 3GB that I
have been converting data off of an old system into this new one. The basic
procedure is to take the database offline at 10PM once a week, export the
entire DB as an SQL file using mysqldump then download and import it into a
test enviroment. After all that a data conversion applicatoin is ran against
the old data and imports it into this new mysql database. Once the process
is complete, the test enviroment's databsae is mysqldump'd into another SQL
file, uploaded to production and imported.

Half way though this conversion I've setup a slave server so they can pull
reports off of it. I'm not sure of the best method to reimport this data
back into the master when the next conversion is done. Wouldn't importing a
3GB SQL file on the master cause quite a few problems for the slave?

What's the best way to do this?

Johnny Withers

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