Bugs fixed (continued from part 1):

  * Creating a foreign key on an InnoDB table that was created
    with an explicit AUTO_INCREMENT value caused that value to be
    reset to 1. (Bug#34920: http://bugs.mysql.com/34920)

  * mysqldump failed to return an error code when using the
    --master-data option without binary logging being enabled on
    the server. (Bug#34909: http://bugs.mysql.com/34909)

  * Under some circumstances, the value of mysql_insert_id()
    following a SELECT ... INSERT statement could return an
    incorrect value. This could happen when the last SELECT ...
    INSERT did not involve an AUTO_INCREMENT column, but the value
    of mysql_insert_id() was changed by some previous statements.
    (Bug#34889: http://bugs.mysql.com/34889)

  * Table and database names were mixed up in some places of the
    subquery transformation procedure. This could affect debugging
    trace output and further extensions of that procedure.
    (Bug#34830: http://bugs.mysql.com/34830)

  * If fsync() returned ENOLCK, InnoDB could treat this as fatal
    and cause abnormal server termination. InnoDB now retries the
    operation. (Bug#34823: http://bugs.mysql.com/34823)

  * A malformed URL used for a FEDERATED table's CONNECTION option
    value in a CREATE TABLE statement was not handled correctly
    and could crash the server.
    (Bug#34788: http://bugs.mysql.com/34788)

  * Using NAME_CONST() with a negative number and an aggregate
    function caused MySQL to crash. This could also have a
    negative impact on replication.
    (Bug#34749: http://bugs.mysql.com/34749)

  * A memory-handling error associated with use of GROUP_CONCAT()
    in subqueries could result in a server crash.
    (Bug#34747: http://bugs.mysql.com/34747)

  * For an indexed integer column col_name and a value N that is
    one greater than the maximum value allowed for the data type
    of col_name, conditions of the form WHERE col_name < N failed
    to return rows where the value of col_name is N - 1.
    (Bug#34731: http://bugs.mysql.com/34731)

  * Executing a TRUNCATE statement on a table having both a
    foreign key reference and a DELETE trigger crashed the server.
    (Bug#34643: http://bugs.mysql.com/34643)

  * Some subqueries using an expression that included an aggregate
    function could fail or in some cases lead to a crash of the
    server. (Bug#34620: http://bugs.mysql.com/34620)

  * Creating a view inside a stored procedure could lead to a
    crash of the MySQL Server.
    (Bug#34587: http://bugs.mysql.com/34587)

  * CAST(AVG(arg) AS DECIMAL) produced incorrect results for
    non-DECIMAL arguments.
    (Bug#34512: http://bugs.mysql.com/34512)

  * Executing an ALTER VIEW statement on a table crashed the
    server. (Bug#34337: http://bugs.mysql.com/34337)

  * InnoDB could crash if overflow occurred for an AUTO_INCREMENT
    column. (Bug#34335: http://bugs.mysql.com/34335)

  * For InnoDB, exporting and importing a table could corrupt
    TINYBLOB columns, and a subsequent ALTER TABLE could corrupt
    TINYTEXT columns as well.
    (Bug#34300: http://bugs.mysql.com/34300)

  * DEFAULT 0 was not allowed for the YEAR data type.
    (Bug#34274: http://bugs.mysql.com/34274)

  * Under some conditions, a SET GLOBAL innodb_commit_concurrency
    or SET GLOBAL innodb_autoextend_increment statement could
    fail. (Bug#34223: http://bugs.mysql.com/34223)

  * Use of stored functions in the WHERE clause for SHOW OPEN
    TABLES caused a server crash.
    (Bug#34166: http://bugs.mysql.com/34166)

  * Passing anything other than a integer to a LIMIT clause in a
    prepared statement would fail. (This limitation was introduced
    to avoid replication problems; for example, replicating the
    statement with a string argument would cause a parse failure
    in the slave). Now, arguments to the LIMIT clause are
    converted to integer values, and these converted values are
    used when logging the statement.
    (Bug#33851: http://bugs.mysql.com/33851)

  * An internal buffer in mysql was too short. Overextending it
    could cause stack problems or segmentation violations on some
    architectures. (This is not a problem that could be exploited
    to run arbitrary code.)
    (Bug#33841: http://bugs.mysql.com/33841)

  * A query using WHERE (column1='string1' AND column2=constant1)
    OR (column1='string2' AND column2=constant2), where col1 used
    a binary collation and string1 matched string2 except for
    case, failed to match any records even when matches were found
    by a query using the equivalent clause WHERE column2=constant1
    OR column2=constant2. (Bug#33833: http://bugs.mysql.com/33833)

  * Large unsigned integers were improperly handled for prepared
    statements, resulting in truncation or conversion to negative
    numbers. (Bug#33798: http://bugs.mysql.com/33798)

  * Reuse of prepared statements could cause a memory leak in the
    embedded server. (Bug#33796: http://bugs.mysql.com/33796)

  * The server crashed when executing a query that had a subquery
    containing an equality X=Y where Y referred to a named select
    list expression from the parent select. The server crashed
    when trying to use the X=Y equality for ref-based access.
    (Bug#33794: http://bugs.mysql.com/33794)

  * Some queries using a combination of IN, CONCAT(), and an
    implicit type conversion could return an incorrect result.
    (Bug#33764: http://bugs.mysql.com/33764)

  * In some cases a query that produced a result set when using
    ORDER BY ASC did not return any results when this was changed
    to ORDER BY DESC. (Bug#33758: http://bugs.mysql.com/33758)

  * Disabling concurrent inserts caused some cacheable queries not
    to be saved in the query cache.
    (Bug#33756: http://bugs.mysql.com/33756)

  * The UPDATE statement allowed NULL to be assigned to NOT NULL
    columns (the default data type value was assigned). An error
    occurs now. (Bug#33699: http://bugs.mysql.com/33699)

  * ORDER BY ... DESC sorts could produce misordered results.
    (Bug#33697: http://bugs.mysql.com/33697)

  * The server could crash when REPEAT or another control
    instruction was used in conjunction with labels and a LEAVE
    instruction. (Bug#33618: http://bugs.mysql.com/33618)

  * The parser allowed control structures in compound statements
    to have mismatched beginning and ending labels.
    (Bug#33618: http://bugs.mysql.com/33618)

  * make_binary_distribution passed the --print-libgcc-file option
    to the C compiler, but this does not work with the ICC
    compiler. (Bug#33536: http://bugs.mysql.com/33536)

  * Threads created by the event scheduler were incorrectly
    counted against the max_connections thread limit, which could
    lead to client lockout.
    (Bug#33507: http://bugs.mysql.com/33507)

  * Dropping a function after dropping the function's creator
    could cause the server to crash.
    (Bug#33464: http://bugs.mysql.com/33464)

  * Certain combinations of views, subselects with outer
    references and stored routines or triggers could cause the
    server to crash. (Bug#33389: http://bugs.mysql.com/33389)

  * SET GLOBAL myisam_max_sort_file_size=DEFAULT set
    myisam_max_sort_file_size to an incorrect value.
    (Bug#33382: http://bugs.mysql.com/33382)
    See also Bug#31177: http://bugs.mysql.com/31177

  * For InnoDB tables, there was a race condition involving the
    data dictionary and repartitioning.
    (Bug#33349: http://bugs.mysql.com/33349)

  * Loading plugins via command-line options to mysqld could cause
    an assertion failure. (Bug#33345: http://bugs.mysql.com/33345)

  * SLEEP(0) failed to return on 64-bit Mac OS X due to a bug in
    (Bug#33304: http://bugs.mysql.com/33304)

  * Using Control-R in the mysql client caused it to crash.
    (Bug#33288: http://bugs.mysql.com/33288)

  * Granting the UPDATE privilege on one column of a view caused
    the server to crash. (Bug#33201: http://bugs.mysql.com/33201)

  * For DECIMAL columns used with the ROUND(X,D) or TRUNCATE(X,D)
    function with a non-constant value of D, adding an ORDER BY
    for the function result produced misordered output.
    (Bug#33143: http://bugs.mysql.com/33143)
    See also Bug#33402: http://bugs.mysql.com/33402,
    Bug#30617: http://bugs.mysql.com/30617

  * The CSV engine did not honor update requests for BLOB columns
    when the new column value had the same length as the value to
    be updated. (Bug#33067: http://bugs.mysql.com/33067)

  * After receiving a SIGHUP signal, the server could crash, and
    user-specified log options were ignored when reopening the
    logs. (Bug#33065: http://bugs.mysql.com/33065)

  * When MySQL was built with OpenSSL, the SSL library was not
    properly initialized with information of which endpoint it was
    (server or client), causing connection failures.
    (Bug#33050: http://bugs.mysql.com/33050)

  * Under some circumstances a combination of aggregate functions
    and GROUP BY in a SELECT query over a view could lead to
    incorrect calculation of the result type of the aggregate
    function. This in turn could lead to incorrect results, or to
    crashes on debug builds of the server.
    (Bug#33049: http://bugs.mysql.com/33049)

  * For DISTINCT queries, 4.0 and 4.1 stopped reading joined
    tables as soon as the first matching row was found. However,
    this optimzation was lost in MySQL 5.0, which instead read all
    matching rows. This fix for this regression may result in a
    major improvement in performance for DISTINCT queries in cases
    where many rows match.
    (Bug#32942: http://bugs.mysql.com/32942)

  * Repeated creation and deletion of views within prepared
    statements could eventually crash the server.
    (Bug#32890: http://bugs.mysql.com/32890)
    See also Bug#34587: http://bugs.mysql.com/34587

  * In some cases where setting a system variable failed, no error
    was sent to the client, causing the client to hang.
    (Bug#32757: http://bugs.mysql.com/32757)

  * Enabling the PAD_CHAR_TO_FULL_LENGTH SQL mode caused
    privilege-loading operations (such as FLUSH PRIVILEGES) to
    include trailing spaces from grant table values stored in CHAR
    columns. Authentication for incoming connections failed as a
    result. Now privilege loading does not include trailing
    spaces, regardless of SQL mode.
    (Bug#32753: http://bugs.mysql.com/32753)

    statements incorrectly required the SUPER privilege rather
    than the PROCESS privilege.
    (Bug#32710: http://bugs.mysql.com/32710)

  * Tables in the mysql database that stored the current sql_mode
    value as part of stored program definitions were not updated
    with newer mode values (NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION,
    PAD_CHAR_TO_FULL_LENGTH). This causes various problems
    defining stored programs if those modes were included in the
    current sql_mode value.
    (Bug#32633: http://bugs.mysql.com/32633)

  * A view created with a string literal for one of the columns
    picked up the connection character set, but not the collation.
    Comparison to that field therefore used the default collation
    for that character set, causing an error if the connection
    collation was not compatible with the default collation. The
    problem was caused by text literals in a view being dumped
    with a character set introducer even when this was not
    necessary, sometimes leading to a loss of collation
    information. Now the character set introducer is dumped only
    if it was included in the original query.
    (Bug#32538: http://bugs.mysql.com/32538)
    See also Bug#21505: http://bugs.mysql.com/21505

  * Queries using LIKE on tables having indexed CHAR columns using
    either of the eucjpms or ujis character sets did not return
    correct results. (Bug#32510: http://bugs.mysql.com/32510)

  * Executing a prepared statement associated with a materialized
    cursor sent to the client a metadata packet with incorrect
    table and database names. The problem occurred because the
    server sent the the name of the temporary table used by the
    cursor instead of the table name of the original table.
    The same problem occured when selecting from a view, in which
    case the name of the table name was sent, rather than the name
    of the view. (Bug#32265: http://bugs.mysql.com/32265)

  * InnoDB adaptive hash latches could be held too long, resulting
    in a server crash. This fix may also provide significant
    performance improvements on systems on which many queries
    using filesorts with temporary tables are being performed.
    (Bug#32149: http://bugs.mysql.com/32149)

  * On Windows, mysqltest_embedded.exe did not properly execute
    the send command. (Bug#32044: http://bugs.mysql.com/32044)

  * A variable named read_only could be declared even though that
    is a reserved word. (Bug#31947: http://bugs.mysql.com/31947)

  * On Windows, the build process failed with four parallel build
    threads. (Bug#31929: http://bugs.mysql.com/31929)

  * Queries testing numeric constants containing leading zeroes
    against ZEROFILL columns were not evaluated correctly.
    (Bug#31887: http://bugs.mysql.com/31887)

  * If an error occurred during file creation, the server
    sometimes did not remove the file, resulting in an unused file
    in the filesystem. (Bug#31781: http://bugs.mysql.com/31781)

  * The mysqld crash handler failed on Windows.
    (Bug#31745: http://bugs.mysql.com/31745)

  * The server returned the error message Out of memory; restart
    server and try again when the actual problem was that the sort
    buffer was too small. Now an appropriate error message is
    returned in such cases.
    (Bug#31590: http://bugs.mysql.com/31590)

  * A table having an index that included a BLOB or TEXT column,
    and that was originally created with a MySQL server using
    version 4.1 or earlier, could not be opened by a 5.1 or later
    server. (Bug#31331: http://bugs.mysql.com/31331)

  * The -, *, and / operators and the functions POW() and EXP()
    could misbehave when used with floating-point numbers.
    Previously they might return +INF, -INF, or NaN in cases of
    numeric overflow (including that caused by division by zero)
    or when invalid arguments were used. Now NULL is returned in
    all such cases. (Bug#31236: http://bugs.mysql.com/31236)

  * The mysql_change_user() C API function caused global Com_xxx
    status variable values to be incorrect.
    (Bug#31222: http://bugs.mysql.com/31222)

  * When sorting privilege table rows, the server treated escaped
    wildcard characters (\% and \_) the same as unescaped wildcard
    characters (% and _), resulting in incorrect row ordering.
    (Bug#31194: http://bugs.mysql.com/31194)

  * An assertion failure occurred for queries containing two
    subqueries if both subqueries were evaluated using a semi-join
    strategy. (Bug#31040: http://bugs.mysql.com/31040)

  * ROUND(X,D) or TRUNCATE(X,D) for non-constant values of D could
    crash the server if these functions were used in an ORDER BY
    that was resolved using filesort.
    (Bug#30889: http://bugs.mysql.com/30889)

  * Resetting the query cache by issuing a SET GLOBAL
    query_cache_size=0 statement caused the server to crash if it
    concurrently was saving a new result set to the query cache.
    (Bug#30887: http://bugs.mysql.com/30887)

  * Manifest problems prevented MySQLInstanceConfig.exe from
    running on Windows Vista.
    (Bug#30823: http://bugs.mysql.com/30823)

  * If an alias was used to refer to the value returned by a
    stored function within a subselect, the outer select
    recognized the alias but failed to retrieve the value assigned
    to it in the subselect.
    (Bug#30787: http://bugs.mysql.com/30787)

  * Replication of LOAD DATA INFILE could fail when
    read_buffer_size was larger than max_allowed_packet.
    (Bug#30435: http://bugs.mysql.com/30435)

  * The Table_locks_waited waited variable was not incremented in
    the cases that a lock had to be waited for but the waiting
    thread was killed or the request was aborted.
    (Bug#30331: http://bugs.mysql.com/30331)

  * The Com_create_function status variable was not incremented
    properly. (Bug#30252: http://bugs.mysql.com/30252)

  * mysqld displayed the --enable-pstack option in its help
    message even if MySQL was configured without --with-pstack.
    (Bug#29836: http://bugs.mysql.com/29836)

  * The mysql_config command would output CFLAGS values that were
    incompatible with C++ for the HP-UX platform.
    (Bug#29645: http://bugs.mysql.com/29645)

  * Replication crashed with the NDB storage engine when mysqld
    was started with --character-set-server=ucs2.
    (Bug#29562: http://bugs.mysql.com/29562)

  * Views were treated as insertable even if some base table
    columns with no default value were omitted from the view
    definition. (This is contrary to the condition for
    insertability that a view must contain all columns in the base
    table that do not have a default value.)
    (Bug#29477: http://bugs.mysql.com/29477)

  * myisamchk always reported the character set for a table as
    latin1_swedish_ci (8) regardless of the table' actual
    character set. (Bug#29182: http://bugs.mysql.com/29182)

  * InnoDB could return an incorrect rows-updated value for UPDATE
    statements. (Bug#29157: http://bugs.mysql.com/29157)

  * The MySQL preferences pane did not work to start or stop MySQL
    on Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard).
    (Bug#28854: http://bugs.mysql.com/28854)

  * For upgrading to a new major version using RPM packages (such
    as 4.1 to 5.0), if the installation procedure found an
    existing MySQL server running, it could fail to shut down the
    old server, but also erroneously removed the server's socket
    file. Now the procedure checks for an existing server package
    from a different vendor or major MySQL version. In such case,
    it refuses to install the server and recommends how to safely
    remove the old packages before installing the new ones.
    (Bug#28555: http://bugs.mysql.com/28555)

  * mysqlhotcopy silently skipped databases with names consisting
    of two alphanumeric characters.
    (Bug#28460: http://bugs.mysql.com/28460)

  * No information was written to the general query log for the
    commands. (These occur when a client invokes the
    mysql_stmt_close(), mysql_stmt_reset() and
    mysql_stmt_send_long_data() C API functions.)
    (Bug#28386: http://bugs.mysql.com/28386)

  * Previously, the parser accepted the ODBC { OJ ... LEFT OUTER
    JOIN ...} syntax for writing left outer joins. The parser now
    allows { OJ ... } to be used to write other types of joins,
    such as INNER JOIN or RIGHT OUTER JOIN. This helps with
    compatibility with some third-party applications, but is not
    official ODBC syntax. (Bug#28317: http://bugs.mysql.com/28317)

  * The SQL parser did not accept an empty UNION=() clause. This
    meant that, when there were no underlying tables specified for
    a MERGE table, SHOW CREATE TABLE and mysqldump both output
    statements that could not be executed.
    Now it is possible to execute a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE
    statement with an empty UNION=() clause. However, SHOW CREATE
    TABLE and mysqldump do not output the UNION=() clause if there
    are no underlying tables specified for a MERGE table. This
    also means it is now possible to remove the underlying tables
    for a MERGE table using ALTER TABLE ... UNION=().
    (Bug#28248: http://bugs.mysql.com/28248)

  * The utf8_general_ci collation incorrectly did not sort "U+00DF
    SHARP S" equal to 's'.
    (Bug#27877: http://bugs.mysql.com/27877)

  * It was possible to exhaust memory by repeatedly running
    index_merge queries and never performing any FLUSH TABLES
    statements. (Bug#27732: http://bugs.mysql.com/27732)

  * When utf8 was set as the connection character set, using
    SPACE() with a non-Unicode column produced an error.
    (Bug#27580: http://bugs.mysql.com/27580)
    See also Bug#23637: http://bugs.mysql.com/23637

  * The parser rules for the SHOW PROFILE statement were revised
    to work with older versions of bison.
    (Bug#27433: http://bugs.mysql.com/27433)

  * resolveip failed to produce correct results for hostnames that
    begin with a digit. (Bug#27427: http://bugs.mysql.com/27427)

  * In ORDER BY clauses, mixing aggregate functions and
    non-grouping columns is not allowed if the ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY
    SQL mode is enabled. However, in some cases, no error was
    thrown because of insufficient checking.
    (Bug#27219: http://bugs.mysql.com/27219)

  * Memory corruption, a crash of the MySQL server, or both, could
    take place if a low-level I/O error occurred while an ARCHIVE
    table was being opened.
    (Bug#26978: http://bugs.mysql.com/26978)

  * SHOW PROFILE hung if executed before enabling the @@profiling
    session variable. (Bug#26938: http://bugs.mysql.com/26938)

  * config-win.h unconditionally defined bool as BOOL, causing
    problems on systems where bool is 1 byte and BOOL is 4 bytes.
    (Bug#26461: http://bugs.mysql.com/26461)

  * On Windows, for distributions built with debugging support,
    mysql could crash if the user typed Control-C.
    (Bug#26243: http://bugs.mysql.com/26243)

  * When symbolic links were disabled, either with a server
    startup option or by enabling the NO_DIR_IN_CREATE SQL mode,
    CREATE TABLE silently ignored the DATA DIRECTORY and INDEX
    DIRECTORY table options. Now the server issues a warning if
    symbolic links are disabled when these table options are used.
    (Bug#25677: http://bugs.mysql.com/25677)

  * Attempting to create an index with a prefix on a DECIMAL
    column appeared to succeed with an inaccurate warning message.
    Now, this action fails with the error Incorrect prefix key;
    the used key part isn't a string, the used length is longer
    than the key part, or the storage engine doesn't support
    unique prefix keys. (Bug#25426: http://bugs.mysql.com/25426)

  * mysqlcheck -A -r did not correctly identify all tables that
    needed repairing. (Bug#25347: http://bugs.mysql.com/25347)

  * The Qcache_free_blocks status variable did not display a value
    of 0 if the query cache was disabled.
    (Bug#25132: http://bugs.mysql.com/25132)

  * The client library had no way to return an error if no
    connection had been established. This caused problems such as
    mysql_library_init() failing silently if no errmsg.sys file
    was available. (Bug#25097: http://bugs.mysql.com/25097)

  * On Mac OS X, the StartupItem for MySQL did not work.
    (Bug#25008: http://bugs.mysql.com/25008)

  * mysql did not use its completion table. Also, the table
    contained few entries.
    (Bug#24624: http://bugs.mysql.com/24624)

  * Logging of statements to log tables was incorrect for
    statements that contained utf8-incompatible binary strings.
    Incompatible sequences are hex-encoded now.
    (Bug#23924: http://bugs.mysql.com/23924)

  * The MySQL header files contained some duplicate macro
    definitions that could cause compilation problems.
    (Bug#23839: http://bugs.mysql.com/23839)

  * SHOW COLUMNS on a TEMPOARY table caused locking issues.
    (Bug#23588: http://bugs.mysql.com/23588)

  * For distributions compiled with the bundled libedit library,
    there were difficulties using the mysql client to enter input
    for non-ASCII or multi-byte characters.
    (Bug#23097: http://bugs.mysql.com/23097)

  * perror reported incomplete or inaccurate information.
    (Bug#23028: http://bugs.mysql.com/23028,
    Bug#25177: http://bugs.mysql.com/25177)

  * InnoDB exhibited thread thrashing with more than 50 concurrent
    connections under an update-intensive workload.
    (Bug#22868: http://bugs.mysql.com/22868)

  * After stopping and starting the event scheduler, disabled
    events could remain in the execution queue.
    (Bug#22738: http://bugs.mysql.com/22738)

  * The server produced a confusing error message when attempting
    to open a table that required a storage engine that was not
    loaded. (Bug#22708: http://bugs.mysql.com/22708)

  * For views or stored programs created with an invalid DEFINER
    value, the error message was confusing (did not tie the
    problem to the DEFINER clause) and has been improved.
    (Bug#21854: http://bugs.mysql.com/21854)

  * Warnings for deprecated syntax constructs used in stored
    routines make sense to report only when the routine is being
    created, but they were also being reported when the routine
    was parsed for loading into the execution cache. Now they are
    reported only at routine creation time.
    (Bug#21801: http://bugs.mysql.com/21801)

  * Renaming a column that appeared in a foreign key definition
    did not update that definition with the new column name. This
    occurred with both referenced and referencing tables.
    (Bug#21704: http://bugs.mysql.com/21704)

  * On Mac OS X, mysqld did not react to Ctrl-C when run under
    gdb, even when run with the --gdb option.
    (Bug#21567: http://bugs.mysql.com/21567)

  * CREATE ... SELECT did not always set DEFAULT column values in
    the new table. (Bug#21380: http://bugs.mysql.com/21380)

  * mysql_config output did not include -lmygcc on some platforms
    when it was needed. (Bug#21158: http://bugs.mysql.com/21158)

  * The BENCHMARK() function, invoked with more than 2147483648
    iterations (the size of a signed 32-bit integer), terminated
    prematurely. (Bug#20752: http://bugs.mysql.com/20752)

  * MySQLInstanceConfig.exe could lose the innodb_data_home_dir
    setting when reconfiguring an instance.
    (Bug#19797: http://bugs.mysql.com/19797)

  * DROP DATABASE did not drop orphaned FOREIGN KEY constraints.
    (Bug#18942: http://bugs.mysql.com/18942)

  * CREATE TABLE allowed 0 as the default value for a TIMESTAMP
    column when the server was running in NO_ZERO_DATE mode.
    (Bug#18834: http://bugs.mysql.com/18834)

  * A SET column whose definition specified 64 elements could not
    be updated using integer values.
    (Bug#15409: http://bugs.mysql.com/15409)

  * If a SELECT calls a stored function in a transaction, and a
    statement within the function fails, that statement should
    roll back. Furthermore, if ROLLBACK is executed after that,
    the entire transaction should be rolled back. Before this fix,
    the failed statement did not roll back when it failed (even
    though it might ultimately get rolled back by a ROLLBACK later
    that rolls back the entire transaction).
    (Bug#12713: http://bugs.mysql.com/12713)
    See also Bug#34655: http://bugs.mysql.com/34655

  * The parser incorrectly allowed SQLSTATE '00000' to be
    specified for a condition handler. (This is incorrect because
    the condition must be a failure condition and '00000'
    indicates success.) (Bug#8759: http://bugs.mysql.com/8759)

Kent Boortz, Senior Production Engineer
Sun Microsystems
Office: +46 19 182931
Mobile: +46 70 2791171

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