Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Server 5.5.3-m3, a new version of the popular Open Source
Database Management System, has been released. We've also released
MySQL Server 5.5.4-m3 for Linux on x86_64 only at this time; it
contains a new version of InnoDB including several performance
enhancements in comparison to MySQL Server 5.5.3-m3.

The "-m3" suffix tells these releases belong to the third milestone
according to our "milestone" release model, also called "Celosia".
You can read more about the release model and the planned milestones at

The new features in these releases are of beta quality. As with any
other pre-production release, caution should be taken when installing on
production level systems or systems with critical data. For a list of
known bugs reported against MySQL Server 5.5.3-m3, please see

Please note that *downgrading* from these releases to a previous
release series, including MySQL Server 5.5 milestone 2 (Betony)
releases, is not supported.

For production level systems using 5.1, we would like to direct your
attention to the product description of MySQL Enterprise at:

MySQL 5.5 is based on MySQL 5.4, which won't get any further updates.
MySQL 5.5 includes several high-impact changes to address scalability
and performance issues in MySQL Server. These changes exploit advances
in hardware and CPU design and enable better utilization of existing

For an overview of what's new in MySQL 5.5, please see the
section "What Is New in MySQL 5.5" below, or view it online at

For information on installing MySQL 5.5.3-m3 or MySQL 5.5.4-m3 on
new servers, please see the MySQL installation documentation at

For upgrading from previous MySQL releases, please see the
important upgrade considerations at

MySQL Server 5.5 is available in source and binary form for a
number of platforms from the "Development Releases" selection
of our download pages at

Not all mirror sites may be up to date at this point in
time, so if you can't find this version on some mirror,
please try again later or choose another download site.

We welcome and appreciate your feedback, bug reports, bug
fixes, patches, etc.:

The list of all "Bugs Fixed" may also be viewed online at

Special note for those of you who build from source:

In MySQL 5.5.3-m3, CMake joins GNU autotools as a build framework for
all platforms. We've previously already used CMake on Windows. Our
existing support for GNU autotools isn't going away just yet, but if
you are so inclined, you can now alternatively use CMake as per the
instructions on the web page linked below. As always, we value your


Changes in MySQL 5.5.4:

InnoDB Plugin Notes:
 * This release includes InnoDB Plugin 1.1.

Bugs fixed:
 * The mysqld option to turn on support for large pages
   was erroneously linked to the internal variable that
   stores whether large file support is available. Turning
   large_pages on would show both support for large pages
   and for large files as available without actually turning
   on support for large pages. Turning large_pages off would
   show both as turned off without any actual implication to
   large file support, which is compiled in at build time.
   This bug was introduced in MySQL Server 5.5.3-m3.

Changes in MySQL 5.5.3:

Performance Schema Notes:
 * MySQL Server now includes Performance Schema, a feature
   for monitoring server execution at a low level. It is
   implemented via the PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA storage engine and
   the performance_schema database. Performance Schema
   focuses primarily on performance data. This differs from
   INFORMATION_SCHEMA, which serves for inspection of
   metadata. For more information, see Chapter 20, "MySQL
   Performance Schema."
   Performance Schema support is included in binary MySQL
   distributions. It is disabled by default. To enable it,
   start the server with the --performance_schema option.
   To create the performance_schema database if you are
   upgrading from an earlier release, run mysql_upgrade and
   restart the server. See Section 4.4.7, "mysql_upgrade ---
   Check Tables for MySQL Upgrade."

InnoDB Plugin Notes:
 * This release includes InnoDB Plugin 1.0.6. This version
   is considered of Release Candidate (RC) quality.

Functionality added or changed:
 * Performance: The performance of internal functions that
   trim multiple spaces from strings when comparing them has
   been improved.
 * Incompatible Change: The following obsolete constructs
   have been removed. Where alternatives are shown,
   applications should be updated to use them.
      + The log_bin_trust_routine_creators system variable
        (use log_bin_trust_function_creators).
      + The myisam_max_extra_sort_file_size system variable.
      + The record_buffer system variable (use
      + The sql_log_update system variable.
      + The table_type system variable (use storage_engine).
      + The FRAC_SECOND modifier for the TIMESTAMPADD()
      + The TYPE table option to specify the storage engine
      + The SHOW TABLE TYPES SQL statement (use SHOW
        status.html) and SHOW MUTEX STATUS SQL statements
      + The SHOW PLUGIN SQL statement (use SHOW PLUGINS).
        MASTER SQL statements (use mysqldump or mysqlhotcopy
        to dump tables and mysql to reload dump files).
      + The BACKUP TABLE
        .html) and RESTORE TABLE
        e.html) SQL statements (use mysqldump or
        mysqlhotcopy to dump tables and mysql to reload dump
      + TIMESTAMP(N) data type: The ability to specify a
        display width of N (use without N).
      + The --default-character-set and --default-collation
        server options (use --character-set-server and
      + The --delay-key-write-for-all-tables server option
        (use --delay-key-write=ALL).
      + The --enable-locking and --skip-locking server
        options (use --external-locking and
      + The --log-bin-trust-routine-creators server option
        (use --log-bin-trust-function-creators).
      + The --log-long-format server option.
      + The --log-update server option.
      + The --master-xxx server options to set replication
        parameters (use the CHANGE MASTER TO statement
        instead): --master-host, --master-user,
        --master-password , --master-port,
        --master-connect-retry, --master-ssl,
        --master-ssl-ca, --master-ssl-capath,
        --master-ssl-cert, --master-ssl-cipher,
      + The --safe-show-database server option.
      + The --skip-symlink and --use-symbolic-links server
        options (use --skip-symbolic-links and
      + The --sql-bin-update-same server option.
      + The --warnings server option (use --log-warnings).
      + The --no-named-commands option for mysql (use
      + The --no-pager option for mysql (use --skip-pager).
      + The --no-tee option for mysql (use --skip-tee).
      + The --position option for mysqlbinlog (use
      + The --all option for mysqldump (use
      + The --first-slave option for mysqldump (use
      + The --config-file option for mysqld_multi (use
      + The --set-variable=var_name=value and -O
        var_name=value general-purpose options for setting
        program variables (use --var_name=value).
   See also
 * Incompatible Change: Aliases for wildcards (as in SELECT
   t.* AS 'alias' FROM t) are no longer accepted and result
   in an error. Previously, such aliases were ignored
 * Incompatible Change: FLUSH TABLES has a new variant,
   FLUSH TABLES tbl_list WITH READ LOCK. This variant
   enables tables to be flushed and locked in a single
   operation. It provides a workaround for the restriction
   (due to work done for
   Bug#989: that FLUSH
   TABLES is disallowed when there is an active LOCK TABLES
   ... READ.
   See also
 * Incompatible Change: The server now includes dtoa, a
   library for conversion between strings and numbers by
   David M. Gay. In MySQL, this library provides the basis
   for improved conversion between string or DECIMAL values
   and approximate-value (FLOAT/DOUBLE) numbers:
      + Consistent conversion results across platforms,
        which eliminates, for example, Unix versus Windows
        conversion differences.
      + Accurate representation of values in cases where
        results previously did not provide sufficient
        precision, such as for values close to IEEE limits.
      + Conversion of numbers to string format with the best
        possible precision. The precision of dtoa is always
        the same or better than that of the standard C
        library functions.
   Because the conversions produced by this library differ
   in some cases from previous results, the potential exists
   for incompatibilities in applications that rely on
   previous results. For example, applications that depend
   on a specific exact result from previous conversions
   might need adjustment to accommodate additional
   For additional information about the properties of dtoa
   conversions, see Section 11.2.2, "Type Conversion in
   Expression Evaluation."
   See also
 * Incompatible Change: The Unicode implementation has been
   extended to provide support for supplementary characters
   that lie outside the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP).
   Noteworthy features:
      + utf16 and utf32 character sets have been added.
        These correspond to the UTF-16 and UTF-32 encodings
        of the Unicode character set, and they both support
        supplementary characters.
      + The utf8mb4 character set has been added. This is
        similar to utf8, but its encoding allows up to four
        bytes per character to enable support for
        supplementary characters.
      + The ucs2 character set is essentially unchanged
        except for the inclusion of some newer BMP
   In most respects, upgrading to MySQL 5.5 should present
   few problems with regard to Unicode usage, although there
   are some potential areas of incompatibility. These are
   the primary areas of concern:
      + For the variable-length character data types
        (VARCHAR and the TEXT types), the maximum length in
        characters is less for utf8mb4 columns than for utf8
      + For all character data types (CHAR, VARCHAR, and the
        TEXT types), the maximum number of characters that
        can be indexed is less for utf8mb4 columns than for
        utf8 columns.
   Consequently, if you want to upgrade tables from utf8 to
   utf8mb4 to take advantage of supplementary-character
   support, it may be necessary to change some column or
   index definitions.
   For additional details about the new Unicode character
   sets and potential incompatibilities, see Section 9.1.10,
   "Unicode Support," and Section 9.1.11, "Upgrading from
   Previous to Current Unicode Support."
 * Incompatible Change: Several columns were added to the
   INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES table to provide information
   about the RETURNS clause data type for stored functions:
   This change produces an incompatibility for applications
   that depend on column order in the ROUTINES table because
   the new columns appear between the ROUTINE_TYPE and
   DTD_IDENTIFIER columns. Such applications may need to be
   adjusted to account for the new columns.
 * Important Change: Replication: RESET MASTER and RESET
   SLAVE now reset the values shown for Last_IO_Error,
   Last_IO_Errno, Last_SQL_Error, and Last_SQL_Errno in the
   output of SHOW SLAVE STATUS.
   See also
 * Important Change: The --skip-thread-priority option is
   now deprecated such that the server won't change the
   thread priorities by default. Giving threads different
   priorities might yield marginal improvements in some
   platforms (where it actually works), but it might instead
   cause significant degradation depending on the thread
   count and number of processors. Meddling with the thread
   priorities is a not a safe bet as it is very dependent on
   the behavior of the CPU scheduler and system where MySQL
   is being run.
 * Cluster Replication: Replication: MySQL Replication now
   supports attribute promotion and demotion for row-based
   replication between columns of different but similar
   types on the master and the slave. For example, it is
   possible to promote an INT column on the master to a
   BIGINT column on the slave, and to demote a TEXT column
   to a VARCHAR column.
   The implementation of type demotion distinguishes between
   lossy and non-lossy type conversions, and their use on
   the slave can be controlled by setting the
   slave_type_conversions global server system variable.
   For more information, see Section, "Row-based
   replication: attribute promotion and demotion."
 * mysqltest has a new --max-connections option to set a
   higher number of maximum allowed server connections than
   the default 128. This option can also be passed via
 * has a new --portbase option and a
   corresponding MTR_PORT_BASE environment variable for
   setting the port range, as an alternative to the existing
   --build-thread option.
 * SHOW PROFILE CPU has been ported to Windows. Thanks to
   Alex Budovski for the patch.
 * has a new --gprof option that runs the
   server through the gprof profiler, much the same way the
   currently supported --gcov option runs it through gcov.
 * mysqltest has a new lowercase_result command that
   converts the output of the next statement to lowercase.
   This is useful for test cases where the lettercase may
   vary between platforms.
 * mysqltest has a new remove_files_wildcard command that
   removes files matching a pattern from a directory.
 * MySQL support for adding collations using LDML
   specifications did not support the <i> identity rule that
   indicates one character sorts identically to another. The
   <i> rule now is supported.
 * For boolean options, the option-processing library now
   prints additional information in the --help message: If
   the option is enabled by default, the message says so and
   indicates that the --skip form of the option disables the
   option. This affects all compiled MySQL programs that use
   the library.
 * The use of the SQL_CACHE and SQL_NO_CACHE options in
   SELECT statements now is checked more restrictively: 1)
   Previously, both options could be given in the same
   statement. This is no longer true; only one can be given.
   2) Previously, these options could be given in SELECT
   statements that were not at the top-level. This is no
   longer true; the options are disallowed in subqueries
   (including subqueries in the FROM clause, and SELECT
   statements in unions other than the first SELECT.
 * Added the --auto-vertical-output option to mysql which
   causes result sets to be displayed vertically if they are
   too wide for the current window, and using normal tabular
   format otherwise. (This applies to statements terminated
   by ; or \G.)
 * FLUSH LOGS now takes an optional log_type value so that
   FLUSH log_type LOGS can be used to flush only a specified
   log type. These log_type options are allowed:
      + BINARY closes and reopens the binary log files.
      + ENGINE closes and reopens any flushable logs for
        installed storage engines.
      + ERROR closes and reopens the error log file.
      + GENERAL closes and reopens the general query log
      + RELAY closes and reopens the relay log files.
      + SLOW closes and reopens the slow query log file.
   Thanks to Eric Bergen for the patch to implement this
 * Previously, prepared CALL statements could be used via
   the C API only for stored procedures that produce at most
   one result set, and applications could not use
   placeholders for OUT or INOUT parameters. For prepared
   CALL statements used via PREPARE and EXECUTE,
   placeholders could not be used for OUT or INOUT
   For the C API, prepared CALL support now is expanded in
   the following ways:
      + A stored procedure can produce any number of result
        sets. The number of columns and the data types of
        the columns need not be the same for all result
      + The final values of OUT and INOUT parameters are
        available to the calling application after the
        procedure returns. These parameters are returned as
        an extra single-row result set following any result
        sets produced by the procedure itself. The row
        contains the values of the OUT and INOUT parameters
        in the order in which they are declared in the
        procedure parameter list.
      + A new C API function, mysql_stmt_next_result(), is
        available for processing stored procedure results.
        See Section 21.9.15, "C API Support for Prepared
        CALL Statements."
      + The CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS flag now is enabled by
        default. It no longer needs to be enabled when you
        call mysql_real_connect(). (This flag is necessary
        for executing stored procedures because they can
        produce multiple result sets.)
   For PREPARE and EXECUTE, placeholder support for OUT and
   INOUT parameters is now available. See Section 12.2.1,
   "CALL Syntax."
 * Three options were added to mysqldump make it easier to
   generate a dump from a slave server:
      + --dump-slave is similar to --master-data, but the
        CHANGE MASTER TO statement contains binary log
        coordinates for the slave's master host, not the
        slave itself.
      + --apply-slave-statements causes STOP SLAVE and START
        SLAVE statements to be added before the CHANGE
        MASTER TO statement and at the end of the output,
      + --include-master-host-port causes the CHANGE MASTER
        TO statement to include MASTER_PORT and MASTER_HOST
        options for the slave's master.
 * mysqladmin now allows the password value to be omitted
   following the password command. In this case, mysqladmin
   prompts for the password value, which enables you to
   avoid specifying the password on the command line.
   Omitting the password value should be done only if
   password is the final command on the mysqladmin command
   line. Otherwise, the next argument is taken as the
 * The server now provides a pluggable audit interface that
   enables information about server operations to be
   reported to interested parties. Audit plugins may
   register with the audit interface to receive notification
   about server operations. When an auditable event occurs
   within the server, the server determines whether
   notification is needed. For each registered audit plugin,
   the server checks the event against those event classes
   in which the plugin is interested and passes the event to
   the plugin if there is a match. For more information, see
   Section, "Audit Plugins."
 * Some conversions between Japanese character sets are more
 * When the server detects MyISAM table corruption, it now
   writes additional information to the error log, such as
   the name and line number of the source file, and the list
   of threads accessing the table. Example: Got an error
   from thread_id=1, mi_dynrec.c:368. This is useful
   information to include in bug reports.
 * The TABLESPACES table has been added to
   INFORMATION_SCHEMA for tracking tablespace details.
   PARAMETERS table provides information about stored
   function and procedure parameters, and about return
   values for stored functions.
 * The maximum length of table comments was extended from 60
   to 2048 characters. The maximum length of column comments
   was extended from 255 to 1024 characters. Index
   definitions now can include a comment of up to 1024

Bugs fixed:

If you see this text instead of a list of actual fixes, you are
receiving this message through one of our lists that limits
message length to 50000 bytes. Please refer to the web version
of the changelog for a full list of fixes:

Daniel Fischer, MySQL Tech Lead Build                +49 170 4447185
Sun Microsystems GmbH, Sonnenallee 1, DE-85551 Kirchheim-Heimstetten
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Juergen Kunz       HRB MUC 161028   49.011, 8.376

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