Dear MySQL users,

MySQL 6.0.5-alpha, a new version of the MySQL database system including
the Falcon transactional storage engine, has been released. The main
page for MySQL 6.0 release is at:

If you are new to the Falcon storage engine and need more information,
please read the Falcon Evaluation Guide at:

and the Falcon White Paper at:

MySQL 6.0.5-alpha is available in source and binary form for a number
of platforms from our download pages at

and mirror sites. Note that not all mirror sites may be up to date at
this point in time, so if you can't find this version on some mirror,
please try again later or choose another download site.

We welcome and appreciate your feedback, bug reports, bug fixes,
patches etc.:

The following section lists only important changes since the last
released version of MySQL 6.0.  The full changelog can be viewed
online at

Important changes since the last release:

   Functionality added or changed:

     * Incompatible Change: In MySQL 5.1.6, when log tables were
       implemented, the default log destination for the general query
       and slow query log was TABLE. This default has been changed to
       FILE, which is compatible with MySQL 5.0, but incompatible
       with earlier releases of MySQL 5.1 from 5.1.6 to 5.1.20. If
       you are upgrading from MySQL 5.0 to this release, no logging
       option  changes should be necessary. However, if you are
       upgrading from 5.1.6 through 5.1.20 to this release and were
       using  TABLE  logging, use the --log-output=TABLE option
       explicitly to preserve your server's table-logging behavior.
       In MySQL 5.1.x, this bug was addressed twice because it turned
       out that the default was set in two places, only one of which
       was fixed the first time.

     * Incompatible Change: The server now includes dtoa, a library
       for conversion between strings and numbers by David M. Gay. In
       MySQL, this library provides the basis for improved conversion
       between  string  or DECIMAL values and approximate-value
       (FLOAT/DOUBLE) numbers:
          + Consistent conversion results across platforms, which
            eliminates, for example, Unix versus Windows conversion
          + Accurate representation of values in cases where results
            previously did not provide sufficient precision, such as
            for values close to IEEE limits.
          + Conversion of numbers to string format with the best
            possible precision. The precision of dtoa is always the
            same or bettter than that of the standard C library
       Because the conversions produced by this library differ in
       some cases from previous results, the potential exists for
       incompatibilities  in applications that rely on previous
       results. For example, applications that depend on a specific
       exact result from previous conversions might need adjustment
       to accommodate additional precision.
       For  additional information about the properties of dtoa
       conversions,  see  Section  11.2.2,  "Type Conversion in
       Expression Evaluation."
       See     also     Bug#12860:,

     * Important Change: MySQL Cluster: Packaging: Beginning with
       this release, standard MySQL 6.0 binaries are no longer built
       with  support for the NDBCLUSTER storage engine, and the
       NDBCLUSTER code included in 6.0 mainline sources is no longer
       guaranteed to be maintained or supported. Those using MySQL
       Cluster in MySQL 6.0.4 and earlier MySQL 6.0 mainline releases
       should upgrade to MySQL Cluster NDB 6.2.15 should upgrade to
       MySQL Cluster NDB 6.2.15 or a later MySQL Cluster NDB 6.2 or
       6.3 release. (Bug#36193:

     * Cluster      API:      Important     Change:     Because
       NDB_LE_MemoryUsage.page_size_kb shows memory page sizes in
       bytes  rather  than  kilobytes,  it  has been renamed to
       page_size_bytes. The name page_size_kb is now deprecated and
       thus subject to removal in a future release, although it
       currently  remains  supported  for  reasons  of backward
       compatibility.    See    The    Ndb_logevent_type   Type
       for    more    information   about   NDB_LE_MemoryUsage.

     * Important  Change:  Added  a  ROUTINE_TYPE column to the
       INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARAMETERS table, to make it possible to
       distinguish like-named parameters of stored routines and
       stored functions having the same names. See Section 25.26,
       "The  INFORMATION_SCHEMA  PARAMETERS  Table,"  for  more
       information. (Bug#33106:

   Bugs fixed:

     * Important Change: Security Fix: It was possible to circumvent
       privileges through the creation of MyISAM tables employing the
       DATA  DIRECTORY and INDEX DIRECTORY options to overwrite
       existing table files in the MySQL data directory. Use of the
       MySQL data directory in DATA DIRECTORY and INDEX DIRECTORY is
       now disallowed. This is now also true of these options when
       used with partitioned tables and individual partitions of such

     * Important Change: Security Enhancement: On Windows Vista and
       Windows Server 2008, a user without administrative privileges
       does not have write permissions to the Program Files directory
       where  MySQL  and the associated data files are normally
       installed. Using data files located in the standard Program
       Files installation directory could therefore cause MySQL to
       fail, or lead to potential security issues in an installed
       To address the problem, on Windows XP, Windows Vista and
       Windows Server 2008, the datafiles and data file configuration
       are now set to the Microsoft recommended AppData folder. The
       AppData folder is typically located within the user's home

       When upgrading an existing 5.1.23 or 6.0.4 installation of
       MySQL you must take a backup of your data and configuration
       file (my.ini before installing the new version. To migrate
       your  data, either extract the data and re-import (using
       mysqldump, then upgrade and re-import using mysql), or back up
       your data, upgrade to the new version, and copy your existing
       data  files  from  your old datadir directory to the new
       directory located within AppData.
       Failure to back up your data and follow these procedures may
       lead to data loss.

     * Important Change: MySQL Cluster: AUTO_INCREMENT columns had
       the following problems when used in NDB tables:
          + The AUTO_INCREMENT counter was not updated correctly when
            such a column was updated.
          + AUTO_INCREMENT  values  were  not prefetched beyond
            statement boundaries.
          + AUTO_INCREMENT values were not handled correctly with
            INSERT IGNORE statements.
          + After being set, ndb_autoincrement_prefetch_sz showed a
            value of 1, regardless of the value it had actually been
            set to.
       As    part    of    this    fix,    the    behavior   of
       ndb_autoincrement_prefetch_sz has changed. Setting this to
       less than 32 no longer has any effect on prefetching within
       statements (where IDs are now always obtained in batches of 32
       or more), but only between statements. The default value for
       this   variable   has   also  changed,  and  is  now  1.

     * Important Change: Replication: When the master crashed during
       an update on a transactional table while in AUTOCOMMIT mode,
       the slave failed. This fix causes every transaction (including
       AUTOCOMMIT transactions) to be recorded in the binlog as
       starting with a BEGIN and ending with a COMMIT or ROLLBACK.

     * Disk Data: Important Change: It is no longer possible on
       32-bit systems to issue statements appearing to create Disk
       Data  log files or data files greater than 4 GB in size.
       (Trying to create log files or data files larger than 4 GB on
       32-bit systems led to unrecoverable data node failures; such
       statements    now    fail    with   NDB   error   1515.)

     * Important Change: It was possible to use FRAC_SECOND as a
       synonym for MICROSECOND with DATE_ADD(), DATE_SUB(), and
       INTERVAL; now, using FRAC_SECOND with anything other than
       TIMESTAMPADD() or TIMESTAMPDIFF() produces a syntax error.
       It is now possible (and preferable) to use MICROSECOND with
       deprecated. (Bug#33834:

     * Important Change: InnoDB free space information is now shown
       in  the Data_free column of SHOW TABLE STATUS and in the
       DATA_FREE column of the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES table.
       This regression was introduced by

     * Important Change: The server handled truncation of values
       having excess trailing spaces into CHAR, VARCHAR, and TEXT
       columns in different ways. This behavior has now been made
       consistent for columns of all three of these types, and now
       follows the existing behavior of VARCHAR columns in this
       regard;  that  is, a Note is always issued whenever such
       truncation occurs.
       This change does not affect columns of these three types when
       using a binary encoding; BLOB columns are also unaffected by
       the  change,  since  they  always use a binary encoding.

     * Important Change: An AFTER UPDATE trigger was not invoked when
       the UPDATE did not make any changes to the table for which the
       trigger was defined. Now AFTER UPDATE triggers behave the same
       in this regard as do BEFORE UPDATE triggers, which are invoked
       whether the UPDATE makes any changes in the table or not.

     * Replication: Important Note: Network timeouts between the
       master and the slave could result in corruption of the relay
       log. This fix rectifies a long-standing replication issue when
       using unreliable networks, including replication over wide
       area  networks  such  as the Internet. If you experience
       reliability issues and see many You have an error in your SQL
       syntax errors on replication slaves, we strongly recommend
       that you upgrade to a MySQL version which includes this fix.


Jonathan Perkin, Senior Production Engineer, MySQL
Database Technology Group, Sun Microsystems

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