Dear MySQL users,

MySQL 5.5.15 is a new version of the 5.5 production release of the
world's most popular open source database. MySQL 5.5.15 is recommended
for use on production systems.

MySQL 5.5 includes several high-impact enhancements to improve the
performance and scalability of the MySQL Database, taking advantage of
the latest multi-CPU and multi-core hardware and operating systems. In
addition, with release 5.5, InnoDB is now the default storage engine for
the MySQL Database, delivering ACID transactions, referential integrity
and crash recovery by default.

MySQL 5.5 also provides a number of additional enhancements including:

   - Significantly improved performance on Windows, with various Windows
     specific features and improvements
   - Higher availability, with new semi-synchronous replication and
     Replication Heart Beat
   - Improved usability, with Improved index and table partitioning,
     SIGNAL/RESIGNAL support and enhanced diagnostics, including a new
     Performance Schema monitoring capability.

For a more complete look at what's new in MySQL 5.5, please see the
following resources:

MySQL 5.5 is GA, Interview with Tomas Ulin:


Whitepaper: What's New in MySQL 5.5:

If you are running a MySQL production level system, we would like to
direct your attention to MySQL Enterprise Edition, which includes the
most comprehensive set of MySQL production, backup, monitoring,
modeling, development, and administration tools so businesses can
achieve the highest levels of MySQL performance, security and uptime.

For information on installing MySQL 5.5.15 on new servers, please see
the MySQL installation documentation at

For upgrading from previous MySQL releases, please see the important
upgrade considerations at:

MySQL Database 5.5 is available in source and binary form for a number
of platforms from our download pages at:

Not all mirror sites may be up to date at this point in time, so if you
can't find this version on some mirror, please try again later or choose
another download site.

We welcome and appreciate your feedback, bug reports, bug fixes,
patches, etc.:

The following section lists the changes in the MySQL source code since
the previous released version of MySQL 5.5.  It may also be viewed
online at:


D.1.2. Changes in MySQL 5.5.15 (28 July 2011)

 Functionality Added or Changed

   * The undocumented --all option for perror is deprecated and
     will be removed in MySQL 5.6.

 Bugs Fixed

   * InnoDB Storage Engine: A failed CREATE INDEX operation for an
     InnoDB table could result in some memory being allocated but
     not freed. This memory leak could affect tables created with

   * Partitioning: Auto-increment columns of partitioned tables
     were checked even when they were not being written to. In
     debug builds, this could lead to a server crash. (Bug
     #11765667, Bug #58655)

   * Partitioning: The UNIX_TIMESTAMP() function was not treated as
     a monotonic function for purposes of partition pruning. (Bug
     #11746819, Bug #28928)

   * Compiling the server with maintainer mode enabled failed for
     gcc 4.6 or higher. (Bug #12727287)

   * The option-parsing code for empty strings leaked memory. (Bug

   * Previously, an inappropriate error message was produced if a
     multiple-table update for an InnoDB table with a clustered
     primary key would update a table through multiple aliases, and
     perform an update that may physically move the row in at least
     one of these aliases. Now the error message is: Primary
     key/partition key update is not permitted since the table is
     updated both as 'tbl_name1' and 'tbl_name2' (Bug #11882110)
     See also Bug #11764529.

   * Replication: If a LOAD DATA INFILE statement---replicated
     using statement-based replication---featured a SET clause, the
     name-value pairs were regenerated using a method
     (Item::print()) intended primarily for generating output for
     statements such as EXPLAIN EXTENDED, and which cannot be
     relied on to return valid SQL. This could in certain cases
     lead to a crash on the slave.
     To fix this problem, the server now names each value in its
     original, user-supplied form, and uses that to create LOAD
     DATA INFILE statements for statement-based replication. (Bug
     #60580, Bug #11902767)
     See also Bug #34283, Bug #11752526, Bug #43746.

   * ALTER TABLE {MODIFY|CHANGE} ... FIRST did nothing except
     rename columns if the old and new versions of the table had
     exactly the same structure with respect to column data types.
     As a result, the mapping of column name to column data was
     incorrect. The same thing happened for ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN
     ... ADD COLUMN statements intended to produce a new version of
     the table with exactly the same structure as the old version.
     (Bug #61493, Bug #12652385)

   * Incorrect handling of metadata locking for FLUSH TABLES WITH
     READ LOCK for statements requiring prelocking caused two

        + Execution of any data-changing statement that required
          prelocking (that is, involved a stored function or
          trigger) as part of a transaction slowed down somewhat
          all subsequent statements in the transaction. Performance
          in a transaction that periodically involved such
          statements gradually degraded over time.

        + Execution of any data-changing statement that required
          prelocking as part of a transaction prevented a
          concurrent FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK from proceeding
          until the end of the transaction rather than at the end
          of the particular statement.
     (Bug #61401, Bug #12641342)

   * The fractional part of the "Queries per second" value could be
     displayed incorrectly in MySQL status output (for example, in
     the output from mysqladmin status or the mysql STATUS
     command). (Bug #61205, Bug #12565712)

   * LOAD DATA INFILE incorrectly parsed relative data file path
     names that ascended more than three levels in the file system
     and as a consequence was unable to find the file. (Bug #60987,
     Bug #12403662)

   * For unknown users, the native password plugin reported
     incorrectly that no password had been specified even when it
     had. (Bug #59792, Bug #11766641)

   * For MyISAM tables, attempts to insert incorrect data into an
     indexed GEOMETRY column could result in table corruption. (Bug
     #57323, Bug #11764487)

   * In debug builds, Field_new_decimal::store_value() was subject
     to buffer overflows. (Bug #55436, Bug #11762799)

   * A race condition between loading a stored routine using the
     name qualified by the database name and dropping that database
     resulted in a spurious error message: The table mysql.proc is
     missing, corrupt, or contains bad data (Bug #47870, Bug

Hery Ramilison
MySQL/ORACLE Release Engineering Team

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