Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Server 5.5.48 is a new version of the 5.5 production release
of the world's most popular open source database. MySQL 5.5.48 is
recommended for use on production systems.

MySQL 5.5 includes several high-impact enhancements to improve the
performance and scalability of the MySQL Database, taking advantage of
the latest multi-CPU and multi-core hardware and operating systems. In
addition, with release 5.5, InnoDB is now the default storage engine for
the MySQL Database, delivering ACID transactions, referential integrity
and crash recovery by default.

MySQL 5.5 also provides a number of additional enhancements including:

  - Significantly improved performance on Windows, with various
    Windows specific features and improvements
  - Higher availability, with new semi-synchronous replication and
    Replication Heartbeat
  - Improved usability, with Improved index and table partitioning,
    SIGNAL/RESIGNAL support and enhanced diagnostics, including a new
    Performance Schema monitoring capability.

For a more complete look at what's new in MySQL 5.5, please see the
following resources:

MySQL 5.5 is GA, Interview with Tomas Ulin:


If you are running a MySQL production level system, we would like to
direct your attention to MySQL Enterprise Edition, which includes the
most comprehensive set of MySQL production, backup, monitoring,
modeling, development, and administration tools so businesses can
achieve the highest levels of MySQL performance, security and uptime.

For information on installing MySQL 5.5.48 on new servers, please see
the MySQL installation documentation at

For upgrading from previous MySQL releases, please see the important
upgrade considerations at:

MySQL Database 5.5.48 is available in source and binary form for a
number of platforms from our download pages at:

The following section lists the changes in the MySQL source code since
the previous released version of MySQL 5.5. It may also be viewed
online at:


Changes in MySQL 5.5.48 (2016-02-05)

     * Functionality Added or Changed

     * Bugs Fixed

   Functionality Added or Changed

     * yaSSL was upgraded to version 2.3.9. This upgrade
       corrects an issue in which yaSSL handled only cases of
       zero or one leading zeros for the key agreement instead
       of potentially any number, which in rare cases could
       cause connections to fail when using DHE cipher suites.
       (Bug #22361038)

     * The Valgrind function signature in
       mysql-test/valgrind.supp was upgraded for Valgrind 3.11.
       (Bug #22214867)

   Bugs Fixed

     * Replication: When DML invokes a trigger or a stored
       function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column, that
       DML has to be marked as an unsafe statement. If the
       tables are locked in the transaction prior to the DML
       statement (for example by using LOCK TABLES), then the
       DML statement was not being marked as an unsafe
       statement. The fix ensures that such DML statements are
       marked correctly as unsafe. (Bug #17047208)

     * Replication: DROP TABLE statements are regenerated by the
       server before being written to the binary log. If a table
       or database name contained a non-regular character, such
       as non-latin characters, the regenerated statement was
       using the wrong name, breaking replication. The fix
       ensures that in such a case the regenerated name is
       correctly converted back to the original character set.
       Also during work on this bug, it was discovered that in
       the rare case that a table or database name contained 64
       characters, the server was throwing an assert(M_TBLLEN <
       128) assertion. The assertion has been corrected to be
       less than or equal 128. (Bug #77249, Bug #21205695)
       References: See also Bug #78036, Bug #22261585, Bug

     * Data corruption could occur if a stored procedure had a
       variable declared as TEXT or BLOB and data was copied to
       that variable using SELECT ... INTO syntax from a TEXT or
       BLOB column. (Bug #22232332)

     * CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE .. SELECT statements involving BIT
       columns that resulted in a column type redefinition could
       cause a server exit or an improperly created table. (Bug

     * Added Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 support. Changes
       include using the native (added in VS 2015) timespec
       library if it exists, renamed lfind/lsearch and
       timezone/tzname to avoid redefinition problems, set
       TMPDIR to "" by default as P_tmpdir no longer exists,
       deprecated std::hash_map in favor of std::unordered_map,
       and added Wix Toolset 3.10 support. (Bug #21770366)
       References: See also Bug #21657078.

     * When an invalid date was supplied to the UNIX_TIMESTAMP()
       function using the STR_TO_DATE() function, no check was
       performed before converting it to a timestamp value. (Bug

     * With LOCK TABLES in force, an attempt to open a temporary
       MERGE table consisting of a view in its list of tables
       (not the last table in the list) caused a server exit.
       (Bug #20691429)

     * For certain prepared statements, the optimizer could
       transform join conditions such that it used a pointer to
       a temporary table field that was no longer available
       after the initial execution. Subsequent executions caused
       a server exit. (Bug #19941403)

     * Repeated execution of ALTER TABLE v1 CHECK PARTITION as a
       prepared statement, where v1 is a view, led to a server
       In addition, output for some administrative operations,
       when they are attempted on a view, changes from "Corrupt"
       to "Operation failed". These include ANALYZE TABLE,
       statements that perform ANALYZE PARTITION, CHECK
       operations. (Bug #19817021)

     * Using systemd to start mysqld failed if configuration
       files contained multiple datadir lines. Now the last
       datadir line is used. (Bug #79613, Bug #22361702)

On behalf of Oracle MySQL Release Engineering Team,
Gipson Pulla

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