Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Server 5.7.9 (GA) is a new version of the world's
most popular open source database. This is the first official release
of MySQL 5.7.

[Due to size limitations on forum/email, this announcement had to be
split into two parts. This is part 1.]

The new features in this release are now deemed to be of Release quality. 

Note that 5.7.9 includes all features in MySQL 5.6 and previous 5.7 
Development Milestone Releases. An overview of what's new in MySQL 5.7 
is available online at

For information on installing MySQL 5.7.9 on new servers, please see
the MySQL installation documentation at

MySQL Server 5.7.9 is available in source and binary form for a number of
platforms from the "Development Releases" selection of our download
pages at

MySQL Server 5.7.9 is also available from our repository for Linux
platforms, go here for details:

Windows packages are available via the Installer for Windows or .ZIP
(no-install) packages for more advanced needs. The point and click
configuration wizards and all MySQL products are available in the
unified Installer for Windows:

5.7.9 also comes with a web installer as an alternative to the full

The web installer doesn't come bundled with any actual products
and instead relies on download-on-demand to fetch only the
products you choose to install. This makes the initial download
much smaller but increases install time as the individual products
will need to be downloaded.

We welcome and appreciate your feedback, bug reports, bug fixes,
patches, etc.:

The following section lists the changes in MySQL 5.7.9 since the 5.7.8
Release Candidate.


Changes in MySQL 5.7.9 (2015-10-21)

     * Audit Log Plugin Notes

     * C API Notes

     * Compilation Notes

     * Packaging Notes

     * Performance Schema Notes

     * Plugin Notes

     * Security Notes

     * Spatial Data Support

     * sys Schema Notes

     * Functionality Added or Changed

     * Bugs Fixed

   Audit Log Plugin Notes

     * Some events cannot be terminated. Previously, if an audit
       plugin returned nonzero status for a nonterminable event,
       the server ignored the status and continued processing
       the event. However, if an audit plugin used the
       my_message() function to terminate a nonterminable event,
       a server exit occurred. Now the server correctly handles
       termination of nonterminable events using my_message().
       (Bug #21458066)

   C API Notes

     * The mysql_options() C API function has two new options,
       MYSQL_OPT_NET_BUFFER_LENGTH, that set the
       max_allowed_packet and net_buffer_length system
       variables, respectively. Each option name also now can be
       passed to the mysql_get_option() C API function to
       retrieve its value. For more information, see
       and mysql_get_option()
       (Bug #20821550)

     * Previously, it was necessary to call mysql_thread_end()
       for each mysql_thread_init() call to avoid a memory leak.
       C API internals have been reimplemented to reduce the
       amount of information allocated by mysql_thread_init()
       that must be freed by mysql_thread_end():

          + For release/production builds without debugging
            support enabled, mysql_thread_end() need not be

          + For debug builds, mysql_thread_init() allocates
            debugging information for the DBUG package (see The
            DBUG Package
            mysql_thread_end() must be called for each
            mysql_thread_init() call to avoid a memory leak.
       (Bug #20621281, Bug #21802367)

   Compilation Notes

     * MySQL distributions now contain a mysqlclient.pc file
       that provides information about MySQL configuration for
       use by the pkg-config command. This enables pkg-config to
       be used as an alternative to mysql_config for obtaining
       information such as compiler flags or link libraries
       required to compile MySQL applications. For more
       information, see Building C API Client Programs Using
       A new INSTALL_PKGCONFIGDIR CMake option is available to
       specify the directory in which to install the
       mysqlclient.pc file. The default value is
       INSTALL_LIBDIR/pkgconfig, unless INSTALL_LIBDIR ends with
       /mysql, in which case that is removed first. (Bug

   Packaging Notes

     * The shell and Perl versions of mysql_install_db have been
       removed from MySQL distributions. The executable C++
       version of mysql_install_db implemented in MySQL 5.7.5 is
       still present, but remains deprecated (use mysqld
       --initialize instead) and will be removed in a future
       MySQL release. (Bug #21625471)

     * The deprecated _r versions of the libmysqlclient
       libraries are no longer installed. (Bug #21311067)

   Performance Schema Notes

     * Previously, the transaction instrument in the
       setup_instruments table was disabled by default, and the
       events_transactions_current and
       events_transactions_history consumers in the
       setup_consumers table were enabled by default. This setup
       is inconsistent, and having the consumers enabled could
       lead to the impression that transactions were
       instrumented by default. Now, the consumers are also
       disabled by default. To monitor transactions, enable the
       instrument and the applicable consumers. (Bug #21780891)

     * With the show_compatibility_56 system variable disabled,
       SHOW VARIABLES and SHOW STATUS statements failed if MySQL
       was compiled without Performance Schema support.
       Consequently, it is no longer possible to compile without
       the Performance Schema. If it is desired to compile
       without particular types of instrumentation, that can be
       done with the following CMake options:

       For example, to compile without mutex instrumentation,
       configure MySQL using the -DDISABLE_PSI_MUTEX=1 option.
       (Bug #21669500)

     * Two changes were made regarding the effect of

          + Previously, when show_compatibility_56=OFF,
            selecting from the following INFORMATION_SCHEMA
            system and status variable tables returned an empty
            result and a deprecation warning:

            This caused confusion for applications that were not
            aware that such selects could be empty: An empty
            result and a warning was not sufficient notice to
            signal the need to migrate to the corresponding
            Performance Schema system and status variable
            To address this issue, selecting from the
            INFORMATION_SCHEMA system and status tables now
            produces an error, to make it more evident that an
            application is operating under conditions that
            require modification, as well as where the problem
            lies. The error code is ER_FEATURE_DISABLED_SEE_DOC.
            The error message indicates which table is disabled
            and that the show_compatibility_56 documentation
            should be consulted.

          + Previously, when show_compatibility_56=ON, selecting
            from the following Performance Schema status
            variable tables returned an empty result:

            This made it more difficult to migrate applications
            from the INFORMATION_SCHEMA status variable tables
            to the corresponding Performance Schema tables:
            Successfully selecting from the Performance Schema
            tables required knowing both that the server is from
            MySQL 5.7 and that show_compatibility_56=OFF.
            To address this issue, selecting from the
            Performance Schema status variable tables now
            produces the same result regardless of the value of
            show_compatibility_56. Thus, it is necessary to know
            only that the server is from MySQL 5.7.9 or higher.
            (If so, select from the Performance Schema tables.
            Otherwise, select from the INFORMATION_SCHEMA
       For additional information about the effects of
       show_compatibility_56 and migration issues, see Server
       System Variables
       and Migrating to Performance Schema System
       and Status Variable Tables
       (Bug #21606701)

     * These Performance Schema tables now are world readable
       and accessible without the SELECT privilege:
       global_variables, session_variables, global_status, and
       session_status. An implication of this change is that
       SHOW VARIABLES and SHOW STATUS no longer require
       privileges on the underlying Performance Schema tables
       from which their output is produced when
       show_compatibility_56=OFF. (Bug #21251297)

     * With the show_compatibility_56 system variable enabled,
       the reported values of the Last_query_cost and
       Last_query_partial_plans status variables were incorrect.
       With the show_compatibility_56 system variable disabled,
       the reported values of the Created_tmp_tables,
       Handler_external_lock, and Table_open_cache_% status
       variables were incorrect. (Bug #20483278, Bug #21788549,
       Bug #21788887)

     * The Performance Schema session_account_connect_attrs had
       mistakenly been changed to require the SELECT privilege.
       It requires no special privileges again. (Bug #77702, Bug
       References: This bug was introduced by Bug #14569746.

     * In the setup_timers table, a CYCLE timer for ARM64
       platforms is now available. (Bug #77620, Bug #21374923)

     * The Performance Schema now includes these instruments for
       monitoring I/O on binary log and relay log cache files:

       In addition, the default value of
       performance_schema_max_file_classes has been increased
       from 50 to 80. (Bug #76225, Bug #20675180)

     * The Performance Schema threads table now contains a
       THREAD_OS_ID column that indicates the thread or task
       identifier as defined by the underlying operating system.
       For example, the column value corresponds to the Process
       Explorer thread ID on Windows and the gettid() value on
       Linux. For more information, see The threads Table
       If you upgrade to this MySQL release from an earlier
       version, you must run mysql_upgrade (and restart the
       server) to incorporate this change into the
       performance_schema database.

   Plugin Notes

     * The audit plugin API has been extensively revised to
       support a finer breakdown of the general event type
       (MYSQL_AUDIT_GENERAL_CLASS) into more specific events.
       This enables audit plugins to more precisely indicate the
       types of events in which they are interested and reduces
       overhead for plugins that have use for only a few event
       types. The API also now permits early termination of
       event execution. For more information, see Writing Audit
       The general event type is still available but
       is deprecated and will be removed in a future MySQL
       In addition, a security_context plugin service is now
       available. Audit plugins can use this service to examine
       or modify the security context of threads associated with
       audited events. See MySQL Services for Plugins

   Security Notes

     * For RPM-based packages, the permissions used to create
       the data directory (/var/lib/mysql) have been changed
       from 755 to 751. This tightens the data directory
       permissions while still permitting world access to the
       mysql.sock file in that directory. (Bug #21066592)

   Spatial Data Support

     * The required version of the Boost library for server
       builds has been raised from 1.58.0 to 1.59.0. (Bug

     * Spatial functions such as ST_MPointFromText() and
       ST_GeomFromText() that accept WKT-format representations
       of MultiPoint values now permit individual points within
       values to be surrounded by parentheses. For example, both
       of the following function calls are valid, whereas
       previously the second one produced an error:
ST_MPointFromText('MULTIPOINT (1 1, 2 2, 3 3)')
ST_MPointFromText('MULTIPOINT ((1 1), (2 2), (3 3))')

       In addition, functions such as ST_AsText() and ST_AsWKT()
       that produce WKT-format results now display MultiPoint
       values with parentheses surrounding each point. (Bug
       #54065, Bug #11761559)

   sys Schema Notes

     * The sys schema included in MySQL distributions was
       updated to version 1.5.0. This includes new features and
       fixes for several issues:

          + sys schema objects now have a DEFINER of
            'mysql.sys'@'localhost'. (Previously, the DEFINER
            was 'root'@'localhost'.) Use of the dedicated
            mysql.sys account avoids problems that occur if a
            DBA renames or removes the root account.

          + The following sys schema session views now provide
            progress reporting for long-running transactions:

            The progress column of these views shows the
            percentage of work completed for stages that support
            progress reporting.

          + A new diagnostics() stored procedure enables DBAs
            and other support personnel to collect diagnostic
            information for investigating MySQL instances. A new
            metrics view and statement_performance_analyzer()
            stored procedure provide supporting infrastructure
            for the diagnostics() procedure.

          + The sys schema ps_is_instrument_default_enabled()
            and ps_is_instrument_default_timed() stored
            functions returned incorrect results in some cases.

          + The ENABLED and HISTORY columns that were added to
            the Performance Schema setup_actors table in earlier
            MySQL 5.7 releases caused the sys schema
            ps_setup_reset_to_default() stored procedure not to

          + Handing of event-timing information in the sys
            schema was updated to handle changes to Performance
            Schema event-timing columns in MySQL 5.7.8.

          + mysql_upgrade previously checked for an exact
            object-count value in the sys schema to determine
            whether an upgrade was needed. If local objects had
            been added, the resulting reinstallation removed
            those objects. Now it checks for at least the
            expected number of objects.
       If you upgrade to this MySQL release from an earlier
       version, you must run mysql_upgrade to incorporate these
       changes into the sys schema.
       Thanks to Daniël van Eeden, Jesper Wisborg Krogh, Shlomi
       Noach, and Morgan Tocker for their contributions to this
       update. (Bug #78115, Bug #21647101, Bug #77927, Bug
       #21550271, Bug #78720, Bug #21966366)

   Functionality Added or Changed

     * Incompatible Change; InnoDB: To better manage redo log
       format changes, the redo log header of the first redo log
       file (ib_logfile0) now includes a format version
       identifier and a text string that identifies the MySQL
       version that created the redo log files.
       A new boolean configuration option, innodb_log_checksums,
       replaces the innodb_log_checksum_algorithm option.
       innodb_log_checksums=ON enables a CRC-32C checksum,
       making it the only supported checksum for redo log pages.
       This patch also removes unused fields from the redo log
       header and checkpoint pages.
       Due to redo log format changes introduced by this patch,
       upgrading to or downgrading from MySQL 5.7.9 and higher
       requires a clean shutdown and, in some cases, removal of
       existing redo log files. For instructions related to this
       change, see Changes Affecting Upgrades to MySQL 5.7
       and Changes Affecting Downgrades
       from MySQL 5.7
       (Bug #21759424)

     * Important Change; InnoDB: DYNAMIC replaces COMPACT as the
       implicit default row format for InnoDB tables. A new
       configuration option, innodb_default_row_format,
       specifies the default InnoDB row format. Permitted values
       include DYNAMIC (the default), COMPACT, and REDUNDANT.
       The COMPACT row format remained the default row format
       until this release to ensure compatibility with older
       versions of InnoDB in MySQL 5.1 and earlier. Now that
       MySQL 5.1 has reached the end of its product lifecycle,
       the newer DYNAMIC row format becomes the default. For
       information about advantages of the DYNAMIC row format,
       see DYNAMIC and COMPRESSED Row Formats
       Newly created tables use the row format defined by
       innodb_default_row_format when a ROW_FORMAT option is not
       specified explicitly or when ROW_FORMAT=DEFAULT is used.
       Existing tables retain their current row format if a
       ROW_FORMAT option was specified explicitly. If a
       ROW_FORMAT option was not specified explicitly or if
       ROW_FORMAT=DEFAULT was used, any operation that rebuilds
       a table also silently changes the row format of the table
       to the format defined by innodb_default_row_format. For
       more information, see Specifying the Row Format for a

     * Important Change: Introduced the -> JSON column-path
       operator. column->path is now supported as a synonym of
       JSON_EXTRACT(column, path), where column is a JSON
       column, and path is a valid JSON path.
       An expression with ->, like its equivalent that uses
       JSON_EXTRACT() instead, can be used in place of a column
       identifier wherever the latter can occur within a valid
       SQL statement. For example, the following CREATE TABLE
       and SELECT statements are valid:
  a JSON,
  b INT,
  g INT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (a->"$.id"),
  h INT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (a->"$.storeid"),
  INDEX i (g),
  INDEX j (h)

  CONCAT(a->"$.fname", ' ', a->"$.lname") AS name,
  a->"$.id" AS id,
  a->"$.storeid" AS store
  FROM t1
  WHERE g > 500
  ORDER BY a->"$.storeid", a->"$.lname";

       A column-path expression can be used for any column value
       that is read in a SELECT column list, or in a WHERE,
       ORDER BY, or GROUP BY clause in any SQL statement; such
       expressions cannot be used to set values.
       When an SQL statement contains one or more expressions
       using -> notation, each of these is translated into an
       equivalent expression that employs the JSON_EXTRACT()
       function instead. This can be seen in the output from
       EXPLAIN when used on such a statement.
       Like JSON_EXTRACT(), the -> operator returns as NULL if
       no matching value for an otherwise valid path is found.
       For more information about -> and JSON_EXTRACT(), see
       Functions That Search JSON Values
       See Searching and Modifying JSON Values
       for information about JSON path support. See also
       Secondary Indexes and Virtual Generated Columns
       for additional information and examples.

     * InnoDB: A new INNODB_METRICS server operations counter
       (innodb_dict_lru_count) counts the number of tables
       evicted from the table cache LRU list. Thanks to Daniël
       van Eeden for the patch. (Bug #21682332, Bug #78190)

     * InnoDB: The new innodb_numa_interleave read-only
       configuration option allows you to enable the NUMA
       interleave memory policy for allocation of the InnoDB
       buffer pool. When innodb_numa_interleave is enabled, the
       NUMA memory policy is set to MPOL_INTERLEAVE for the
       mysqld process. After the InnoDB buffer pool is
       allocated, the NUMA memory policy is set back to
       MPOL_DEFAULT. This option is only available on
       NUMA-enabled systems.
       Thanks to Stewart Smith for the patch. (Bug #18871046,
       Bug #72811)

     * MySQL distributions now include these header files
       because my_sys.h depends on them: my_thread_local.h,
       thr_cond.h, thr_mutex.h, thr_rwlock.h. (Bug #21909332)

     * MySQL Server RPM packages now obsolete MySQL Connector C.
       Installing MySQL Server causes older libmysqlclient from
       any MySQL Connector C packages to be removed and replaces
       them with the current libmysqlclient. (Bug #21900800)

     * yaSSL was upgraded to version 2.3.8. (Bug #21888925)

     * Insert overhead for the MEMORY storage table was reduced
       by caching computed hash values. (Bug #21866029)

     * RPM .spec files were updated so that MySQL Server builds
       from source RPM packages will include the proper files to
       take advantage of operating system NUMA capabilities.
       This introduces a runtime dependency on RPM
       and yum detect this and refuse to install if that library
       is not installed. (Bug #21775221)

     * The initial-password message written by mysqld
       --initialize to the error log has been reduced from a
       [Warning] to a [Note]. (Bug #21680457)

     * The JSON_APPEND() function was renamed to
       JSON_ARRAY_APPEND(). (Bug #21560934)

     * Unneeded scripts and test files were removed from the
       tests directory and that directory was renamed to
       testclients. (Bug #21490075)

     * The JSON value-updating functions JSON_APPEND(),
       JSON_SET(), JSON_REPLACE(), and JSON_INSERT() now treat
       SQL NULL values as JSON null literals, which is
       consistent with JSON_OBJECT() and JSON_ARRAY(). (Bug

     * The server now generates a warning when the
       default_storage_engine or default_tmp_storage_engine
       system variable is set to a disabled storage engine named
       in the disabled_storage_engines system variable. (Bug

     * Metadata locking for tablespaces has been extended so
       that, for DDL statements that refer to multiple
       tablespaces, a metadata lock is acquired on all used
       tablespaces. (Bug #21376265)

     * Support for building with Solaris Studio 5.13 was added.
       (Bug #21185883)

     * mysql_ssl_rsa_setup now is less noisy by default. Output
       from openssl commands is displayed only if --verbose is
       given. (Bug #21024979)

     * yaSSL was upgraded to version 2.3.7d. This fixes a
       connection-failure issue when used with the thread pool
       plugin. (Bug #20774956)

     * mysqlpump now supports a --version option. (Bug #77894,
       Bug #21534277)

     * Performance Schema digests in DIGEST_TEXT columns have
       ... appended to the end to indicate when statements
       exceed the maximum statement size and were truncated.
       This is also now done for statement text values in
       SQL_TEXT columns. (Bug #75861, Bug #20519832)

     * Output from mysql_upgrade is now less noisy and more
       informative. (Bug #59077, Bug #11766046)

     * A new SHUTDOWN SQL statement is available. This provides
       a SQL-level interface to the same functionality
       previously available using the mysqladmin shutdown
       command or the mysql_shutdown() C API function. See
       SHUTDOWN Syntax

     * Work was done to clean up the source code base,
       including: Removal of unneeded CMake checks; removing
       unused macros from source files; reorganizing header
       files to reduce the number of dependencies and make them
       more modular, removal of function declarations without

   Bugs Fixed

     * Important Change; InnoDB; Partitioning: There was no way
       to upgrade existing partitioned tables to use the native
       partitioning implemented for InnoDB tables in MySQL
       5.7.6. This fix adds support to both mysql_upgrade and
       the mysql client for upgrading partitioned InnoDB tables
       created in previous releases, which used the ha_partition
       handler, to use InnoDB native partitioning instead.

          + mysql_upgrade now checks for all InnoDB tables that
            were created using the generic ha_partition handler
            and attempts to upgrade them to InnoDB native

          + In the mysql client, pre-5.7.6 partitioned InnoDB
            tables can be upgraded one by one to native
            partitioning using the ALTER TABLE ... UPGRADE
            PARTITIONING statement that is implemented in this
       (Bug #20727344, Bug #76374)

     * Important Change; Replication: The START SLAVE and STOP
       SLAVE statements can no longer be used for the
       group_replication_recovery channel. See Replication
       for more information. (Bug #21680074)

     * Important Change; Replication: In MySQL 5.7, the
       binlog_max_flush_queue_time system variable introduced in
       MySQL 5.6 no longer has any effect. This variable is now
       deprecated, and has been marked for eventual removal in a
       future MySQL release. (Bug #21347087)

     * Important Change; Replication: When using a
       single-threaded slave, the status of the applier thread
       is now reported as part of the
       replication_applier_status_by_worker table, instead of
       replication_applier_status_by_coordinator. This means
       that replication_applier_status_by_coordinator is now
       empty when using a single-threaded slave; it should be
       noted that such reporting for multi-threaded slaves has
       not been changed, and continues to be shown in that
       table. (Bug #74765, Bug #20001173)

     * InnoDB: The undo log contained insufficient information
       about virtual columns and virtual column indexes, which
       could cause a server exit when adding or dropping virtual
       columns. As a result, a slow shutdown (using
       innodb_fast_shutdown=0) is required prior to performing
       an in-place upgrade or downgrade from MySQL 5.7.8. For
       more information, refer to Upgrading or Downgrading MySQL
       (Bug #21869656)

     * InnoDB: A table-rebuilding ALTER TABLE operation that
       created an index on a virtual column raised an assertion.
       (Bug #21847170)

     * InnoDB: A SELECT ... FOR UPDATE operation on a table with
       virtual generated columns raised an assertion. InnoDB
       unnecessarily retrieved a non-indexed virtual column for
       a covered secondary index scan. (Bug #21827963)

     * InnoDB: Creating a table with large rows failed when
       to an incorrect undo log record size calculation. The
       same operation succeeded with ROW_FORMAT=COMPACT or
       row length violation at DDL time if innodb_strict_mode is
       disabled. (Bug #21816041)

     * InnoDB: Adding an index on a generated virtual column
       with an index prefix length that exceeded the maximum
       length caused a server exit. (Bug #21812026)

     * InnoDB: A memory leak occurred after crash recovery.
       Memory allocated in fil_space_read_name_and_filepath()
       was not freed. (Bug #21811321)

     * InnoDB: Altering the data type or computation method of a
       virtual generated column caused an error. (Bug #21810004)

     * InnoDB: An assertion was raised when creating a spatial
       index. InnoDB failed to count virtual columns that
       preceded the spatial index column. (Bug #21807340)

     * InnoDB: Tablespace discovery modifications in MySQL 5.7.5
       included the removal of code related to MLOG_FILE_CREATE2
       redo log records. As a result, the redo log did not
       contain sufficient information about file creation. (Bug

     * InnoDB: The redo log provided no indication that redo
       logging is disabled for index page writes during
       concurrent DDL operations. As a result, external hot
       backup tools could produce corrupt backups. (Bug

     * InnoDB: In debug builds, recovery asserted during a
       transparent page compression test. A torn page from the
       doublewrite buffer caused an LSN debug check failure.
       (Bug #21796092)

     * InnoDB: Creating a virtual generated column on a
       partitioned table caused a server exit. (Bug #21790751,
       Bug #78326)

     * InnoDB: An old version of numactl headers on the build
       host caused a compilation error when building a MySQL
       version that includes NUMA memory policy support. (Bug

     * InnoDB: A SELECT .. FOR UPDATE operation on an indexed
       virtual generated column raised an assertion. (Bug

     * InnoDB: The mysql_system_tables_fix_for_downgrade.sql
       script, provided to facilitate system table alterations
       when downgrading from MySQL 5.7.6 or higher, was removed
       from the MySQL installation directory. The script was no
       longer valid for all downgrade paths. For more
       information, see Changes Affecting Downgrades from MySQL
       (Bug #21753832)

     * InnoDB: The tablespace identifier (space_id) was logged
       twice for an MLOG_TRUNCATE redo log record. (Bug

     * InnoDB: Crash recovery issued an invalid error message
       indicating that an isl file could not be opened or is not
       correct. (Bug #21691438)

     * InnoDB: The InnoDB Monitor displayed incorrect mutex
       creation information for a mutex with a long semaphore
       wait. (Bug #21682997, Bug #78179)

     * InnoDB: Error message formatting was corrected in the
       os_file_write_page() function. (Bug #21681433)

     * InnoDB: The i_s_dict_fill_sys_tablespaces() function
       could free memory associated with a file name before
       printing an error message. (Bug #21680518, Bug #78180)

     * InnoDB: In debug builds, scanned and applied redo log
       records are now printed with a string identifier instead
       of a numerical identifier when --debug=d,ib_log is passed
       to mysqld. For example, rec MLOG_2BYTES is now printed
       instead of rec 2. (Bug #21664268)

     * InnoDB: The number of system calls made by the InnoDB
       page compression feature was reduced. (Bug #21654695)

     * InnoDB: The recv_parse_log_rec function returned the
       length of the redo log record instead of 0 when
       encountering an incomplete MLOG_CHECKPOINT record. (Bug
       #21640085, Bug #78058)
       References: This bug is a regression of Bug #17798076.

     * InnoDB: In debug builds, a parenthesis mismatch in a
       MATCH() ... AGAINST clause raised a full-text parser
       assertion. (Bug #21638907)

     * InnoDB: Debug code was added to avoid a doublewrite
       buffer assertion that was raised during Valgrind testing.
       (Bug #21631197)

     * InnoDB: Log messages were improved to help identify
       out-of-space errors that could occur when adding rollback
       segments. (Bug #21629618)

     * InnoDB: In debug builds, enabling the
       innodb_log_checkpoint_now debug option while a
       table-rebuilding ALTER TABLE operation is running could
       result in an infinite loop. (Bug #21628087, Bug #78056)

     * InnoDB: UNIV_INLINE was not defined for the
       dict_table_has_indexed_v_cols function. (Bug #21628058,
       Bug #78055)

     * InnoDB: Altering a virtual column data type is not
       supported as an in-place operation. (Bug #21617377)

     * InnoDB: Sorting was skipped by an ALTER TABLE statement
       that changed the primary key and dropped the last column
       of the previous primary key. (Bug #21612714, Bug #78020)

     * InnoDB: During recovery, an invalid isl file was treated
       as a missing isl file, resulting in the tablespace being
       opened using the file location defined in an MLOG_FILE_*
       record in the redo log. Recovery no longer opens the
       tablespace if the isl file is invalid. (Bug #21577278)

     * InnoDB: Code that provided a timeout mechanism intended
       to reduce adaptive hash index search latch
       (btr_search_latch) contention was removed. The code
       became obsolete after the introduction of adaptive hash
       index search system partitioning in MySQL 5.7.8. (Bug
       #21569876, Bug #77957)

     * InnoDB: The COMPRESSION option was displayed incorrectly
       in SHOW CREATE TABLE output. (Bug #21557723, Bug #77940)

     * InnoDB: An innodb_data_file_path mismatch raised an
       assertion, as did initializing the database with a data
       file size that was too small for the specified page size.
       (Bug #21551464)

     * InnoDB: A check was added to prevent accessing full-text
       index tables that are in an inconsistent state. (Bug

     * InnoDB: A schema mismatch error occurred when importing a
       tablespace that was altered by DROP INDEX operation on
       the source server. (Bug #21514135, Bug #77659)

     * InnoDB: A virtual generated column on a table that uses
       index condition pushdown (ICP) caused an assertion. (Bug
       #21507796, Bug #21478287)

     * InnoDB: Creating an index on a virtual generated column
       after adding a full-text index on a preceding column
       raised an assertion. (Bug #21478389)

     * InnoDB: An INSERT operation raised a btr_search_enabled
       assertion. Assertion code was too restrictive. (Bug

     * InnoDB: Reloading a table that was evicted while empty
       caused an AUTO_INCREMENT value to be reset. (Bug
       #21454472, Bug #77743)

     * InnoDB: A crash during a TRUNCATE TABLE operation caused
       the server to exit on startup. (Bug #21451922)

     * InnoDB: The .isl was not removed when dropping a general
       tablespace that was created outside of the MySQL data
       directory. (Bug #21446772)

     * InnoDB: An inconsistent read occurred under the
       REPEATABLE READ transaction isolation level. Transactions
       that operated on the same row were removed from
       transaction ID list in the incorrect order. (Bug
       References: This bug is a regression of Bug #17320977.

     * InnoDB: Attempting to create a general tablespace data
       file on a Windows root drive caused an error. (Bug

     * InnoDB: After disabling the adaptive hash index feature,
       an adaptive hash index latch was unnecessarily obtained
       and released. (Bug #21407023)

     * InnoDB: An ALTER TABLE operation on a table with an index
       defined on a virtual column incorrectly modified the data
       of the virtual column. (Bug #21376546, Bug #77628)

     * InnoDB: Resizing the buffer pool online raised an
       assertion due to a memory full condition. (Bug #21348684,
       Bug #77564)

     * InnoDB: An ALTER TABLE ... IMPORT TABLESPACE operation
       with innodb_page_size=4K and ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC raised an
       assertion. (Bug #21341030)

     * InnoDB: For spatial indexes, InnoDB unnecessarily stored
       a 3072-byte prefix in undo log records instead of just
       the maximum bounding rectangle (MBR). For columns with
       externally stored data, both the prefix and MBR are
       logged. (Bug #21340268)

     * InnoDB: Invalid init_ftfuncs() assertion code was
       removed. (Bug #21300774)

     * InnoDB: Memory allocation sanity checks were added to the
       memcached code. (Bug #21288106)

     * InnoDB: An incorrect reference count caused a hang in the
       TrxInInnoDB constructor. innobase_close_connection()
       released the transaction object before destroying the
       TrxInInnoDB object where the reference count is adjusted.
       (Bug #21280816)

     * InnoDB: A MySQL 5.7.8 patch that reintroduced SHOW ENGINE
       INNODB MUTEX functionality caused a performance
       regression. (Bug #21266784)

     * InnoDB: A memcached flush_all command raised an
       assertion. A function that starts a transaction was
       called from within assertion code. (Bug #21239299, Bug

     * InnoDB: A shutdown hang occurred when a high priority
       transaction waited for a victim transaction to exit while
       the victim transaction waited for an asynchronous
       rollback to complete. (Bug #21143276)

     * InnoDB: A data corruption occurred on ARM64. GCC builtins
       did not issue the correct fences when setting or
       unsetting the lock word. (Bug #21102971, Bug #76135)

     * InnoDB: Server shutdown was delayed waiting for the purge
       thread to exit. To avoid this problem, the number of
       calls to trx_purge() was reduced, and the trx_purge()
       batch size was reduced to 20. (Bug #21040050)

     * InnoDB: In READ COMMITTED mode, a REPLACE operation on a
       unique secondary index resulted in a constraint
       violation. Thanks to Alexey Kopytov for the patch. (Bug
       #21025880, Bug #76927)

     * InnoDB: The IBUF_BITMAP_FREE bit indicated that there was
       more free space in the leaf page than was actually
       available. (Bug #20796566)

     * InnoDB: Moving the data directory before recovering a
       crashed database caused tablespace discovery to fail for
       file-per-table tablespaces created outside of the MySQL
       data directory. (Bug #20698468)

     * InnoDB: The innodb_buf_flush_list_now debug setting
       failed to flush all dirty pages to disk. (Bug #20582189)

     * InnoDB: An ALTER TABLE ... ADD FULLTEXT INDEX operation
       raised an assertion. A thread attempted to use a lower
       priority transaction that was being rolled back before
       the rollback operation completed. (Bug #20481175)

     * InnoDB: Running an ALTER TABLE operation on a referencing
       table with a cascading foreign key constraint during a
       concurrent DML operation on the referenced table caused a
       loss of referential integrity. (Bug #20367116)

     * InnoDB: Setting lower_case_table_names=0 on a
       case-insensitive file system could result in a hang
       condition when running an INSERT INTO ... SELECT ... FROM
       tbl_name operation with the wrong tbl_name letter case.
       An error message is now printed and the server exits when
       attempting to start the server with
       --lower_case_table_names=0 on a case-insensitive file
       system. (Bug #20198490, Bug #75185)

     * InnoDB: The server failed to start with an
       innodb_force_recovery setting greater than 3. InnoDB was
       set to read-only mode before redo logs were applied.
       DROP TABLE is now supported with an innodb_force_recovery
       setting greater than 3. (Bug #19779113)

     * InnoDB: The trx_sys_read_pertable_file_format_id()
       function reported the wrong file format. (Bug #19206671)

     * Packaging; OS X: Using user=mysql during installation on
       OS X did not allow the mysql database to be installed. To
       fix this problem, OS X packages now use the --no-defaults
       option when creating this database. This also means that
       having a my.cnf file on the system no longer affects the
       installation. (Bug #21364902)

     * Partitioning: Error handling for failed
       partitioning-related ALTER TABLE operations against
       non-partitioned tables was not performed correctly (Bug

     * Partitioning: ALTER TABLE when executed from a stored
       procedure did not always work correctly with tables
       partitioned by RANGE. (Bug #16613004)

     * To be continued in part 2....

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