Dear MySQL users, 

MySQL Connector/C 6.1.2, a new version of the C API for client/server 
communication for the MySQL database management system, has been 

This version of Connector/C provides full support for MySQL 5.6
protocol. Connector/C is compatible with the client libraries
(libmysql). It includes all the features in the MySQL client library
shipped with MySQL servers 5.6 as well as prior versions. You can
recompile existing code linked with Connector/C 6.1.2 without any code

You can use Connector/C to run and build client applications which
communicate with MySQL server versions from 4.1 to 5.6 without a need
to do a complete server installation.

The release is now available in source and binary form for a number 
of platforms from our download pages at 

MySQL Connector/C 6.1.2 will also be available for downloads via the
Oracle Software Delivery Cloud in approximately 1-2 weeks.

For information on installing, please see the documentation at 


Kent Boortz
The MySQL build team at Oracle 


Functionality Added or Changed

  * The implementation of condition variables specific to Windows
    XP and Windows Server 2003 was removed from the source code
    because MySQL is not supported on those platforms as of MySQL

    This change has the following implication: Previously,
    Connector/C 6.1, while not officially supported on Windows XP
    or Windows Server 2003, could be used on those platforms. This
    is no longer possible.
    (Bug #17332056)

  * MySQL now supports the use of client-side plugins that
    implement tracing of communication between a client and the
    server that takes place using the client/server protocol.
    Protocol trace plugins use the client plugin API (see Writing

    In Connector/C source distributions, a test protocol trace
    plugin is implemented in the file in the
    libmysql directory. This can be examined as a guide to writing
    other protocol trace plugins.

  * Static libraries built with VS2008, VS2010, VS2012 are now
    distributed as part of Connector/C packages for Windows: ZIP
    and MSI. New directories named vs9, vs10, and vs11 located
    under the lib directory contain static libraries and
    corresponding pdb files built with VS2008, VS2010, and VS2012,

Bugs Fixed

  * The CLIENT_CONNECT_WITH_DB flag was improperly handled in the
    C client library. This could lead to a malformed packet sent
    to the server. (Bug #17351732)

  * The mysql_real_connect() C API function could leak memory if
    it failed. (Bug #17337684)

  * The mysql_options() C API function could leak memory if called
    more than once with the MYSQL_SET_CLIENT_IP option.
    (Bug #17297012)

  * The Connector/C MSI package was missing the following files:
    (Bug #17261526)

  * The Connector/C RPM package was missing the following files:
    INFO_SRC, INFO_BIN, my_print_defaults, perror. (Bug #17261610)

  * On Windows, a MySQL client program that simply used #include
    <mysql.h> could not be compiled due to missing Windows
    declarations in that file. The same program would compile on
    other platforms. (Bug #16409270)

  * The libmysql.dll library was missing several symbols: my_init,
    mysql_client_find_plugin, mysql_client_register_plugin,
    mysql_load_plugin, mysql_load_plugin_v, and
    mysql_plugin_options. (Bug #69204, Bug #16797982)

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