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MySQL Connector/J 3.1.13, a new version of the Type-IV all-Java JDBC
driver for MySQL has been released.

Version 3.1.13 is a bugfix release for the stable branch that is
suitable for use with any MySQL version including MySQL-4.1, MySQL-5.0
or MySQL-5.1 beta.

It is now available in source and binary form from the Connector/J
download pages at http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/j/3.0.html
and mirror sites (note that not all mirror sites may be up to date at
this point of time - if you can't find this version on some mirror,
please try again later or choose another download site.)

Please notice that the download archives are larger than before as we're
now shipping the output of our JUnit release tests, and code coverage in
the "docs/release-test-output" subdirectory.


- From the changelog:

05-26-05 - Version 3.1.13

    - Fixed BUG#15464 - INOUT parameter does not store IN value.

    - Fixed BUG#14609 - Exception thrown for new decimal type when
      using updatable result sets.

    - Fixed BUG#15544, no "dos" character set in MySQL > 4.1.0

    - Fixed BUG#15383 - PreparedStatement.setObject() serializes
      BigInteger as object, rather than sending as numeric value
      (and is thus not complementary to .getObject() on an UNSIGNED
      LONG type).

    - Fixed BUG#11874 - ResultSet.getShort() for UNSIGNED TINYINT
      returned wrong values.

    - Fixed BUG#15676 - lib-nodist directory missing from
      package breaks out-of-box build

    - Fixed BUG#15854 - DBMD.getColumns() returns wrong type for BIT.

    - Fixed BUG#14938 - Unable to initialize character set mapping

      Removed reliance on .properties files to hold this information, as
      it turns out to be too problematic to code around class loader
      hierarchies that change depending on how an application is
      deployed. Moved information back into the CharsetMapping class.

    - Fixed BUG#16841 - updatable result set doesn't return
      AUTO_INCREMENT values for insertRow() when multiple column primary
      keys are used. (the driver was checking for the existence of
      single-column primary keys and an autoincrement value > 0 instead
      of a straightforward isAutoIncrement() check).

    - Fixed BUG#17099 - Statement.getGeneratedKeys() throws
      NullPointerException when no query has been processed.

    - Fixed BUG#13469 - Driver tries to call methods that don't exist on
      older and newer versions of Log4j. The fix is not trying to
      auto-detect presense of log4j, too many different incompatible
      versions out there in the wild to do this reliably.

      If you relied on autodetection before, you will need to add
      "logger=com.mysql.jdbc.log.Log4JLogger" to your JDBC URL to enable
      Log4J usage, or alternatively use the new "CommonsLogger" class to
      take care of this.

    - Added support for Apache Commons logging, use
      "com.mysql.jdbc.log.CommonsLogger" as the value for the "logger"
      configuration property.

    - LogFactory now prepends "com.mysql.jdbc.log" to log class name if
      it can't be found as-specified. This allows you to use "short
      names" for the built-in log factories, for example
      "logger=CommonsLogger" instead of

    - Fixed BUG#15570 - ReplicationConnection incorrectly copies state,
      doesn't transfer connection context correctly when transitioning
      between the same read-only states.
    - Fixed BUG#18041 - Server-side prepared statements don't cause
      truncation exceptions to be thrown when truncation happens.
    - Added performance feature, re-writing of batched executes for
      Statement.executeBatch() (for all DML statements) and
      PreparedStatement.executeBatch() (for INSERTs with VALUE clauses
      only). Enable by using "rewriteBatchedStatements=true" in your
      JDBC URL.
    - Fixed BUG#17898 - registerOutParameter not working when some
      parameters pre-populated. Still waiting for feedback from JDBC
      experts group to determine what correct parameter count from
      getMetaData() should be, however.
    - Fixed BUG#17587 - clearParameters() on a closed prepared statement
      causes NPE.
    - Map "latin1" on MySQL server to CP1252 for MySQL > 4.1.0.
    - Added additional accessor and mutator methods on
      ConnectionProperties so that DataSource users can use same naming
      as regular URL properties.
    - Fixed BUG#18740 - Data truncation and getWarnings() only returns
      last warning in set.
    - Improved performance of retrieving BigDecimal, Time, Timestamp and
      Date values from server-side prepared statements by creating fewer
      short-lived instances of Strings when the native type is not an
      exact match for the requested type. Fixes BUG#18496 for
    - Fixed BUG#18554 - Aliased column names where length of name > 251
      are corrupted.
    - Fixed BUG#17450 - ResultSet.wasNull() not always reset
      correctly for booleans when done via conversion for server-side
      prepared statements.
    - Fixed BUG#16277 - Invalid classname returned for
      RSMD.getColumnClassName() for BIGINT type.
    - Fixed case where driver wasn't reading server status correctly
      when fetching server-side prepared statement rows, which in some
      cases could cause warning counts to be off, or multiple result
      sets to not be read off the wire.
    - Driver now aware of fix for BIT type metadata that went into
      MySQL-5.0.21 for server not reporting length consistently
    - Fixed BUG#19615, PreparedStatement.setObject(int, Object, int)
      doesn't respect scale of BigDecimals.
    - Fixed BUG#19282 - ResultSet.wasNull() returns incorrect value
      when extracting native string from server-side prepared statement
      generated result set.
    - Fixed BUG#19568 - ResultSet.getSomeNumeric() didn't work for the
      BIT type.
    - Fixed BUG#19724 - Updatable result set fails when server is in
      ANSI sql_mode.

- --
Mark Matthews
MySQL AB, Software Development Manager - Client Connectivity
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