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MySQL Connector/J 3.1.4, a new version of the Type-IV all-Java JDBC
driver for MySQL has been released.

Version 3.1.4 is the second (and last planned before GAMMA) BETA release
of the 3.1 series that is suitable for use with either MySQL-4.1 or
MySQL-5.0 (and is required when using server-side prepared statements on
MySQL-4.1.2 or newer).

It is now available in source and binary form from the Connector/J
download pages at http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/j/3.1.html
as well as mirror sites (note that not all mirror sites may be up to
date at this point of time - if you can't find this version on some
mirror, please try again later or choose another download site.)

Please take the time to file any bugs you might encounter (hopefully
none!) at http://bugs.mysql.com/ ... We're particularly interested in
any issues you might have with this release and MySQL-4.1.4 with respect
to server-side prepared statements in 4.1, stored procedures in 5.0 and
access to VIEW-level metadata in 5.0.



- From the changelog:

09-04-04 - Version 3.1.4-beta

- - Fixed BUG#4510 - connector/j 3.1.3 beta does not handle integers
correctly (caused by changes to support unsigned reads in
Buffer.readInt() -> Buffer.readShort()).

- - Added support in DatabaseMetaData.getTables() and getTableTypes()
for VIEWs which are now available in MySQL server version 5.0.x.

- - Fixed BUG#4642 -- ServerPreparedStatement.execute*() sometimes
threw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when unpacking field metadata.

- - Optimized integer number parsing, enable 'old' slower integer parsing
using JDK classes via 'useFastIntParsing=false' property.

- - Added 'useOnlyServerErrorMessages' property, which causes message text
in exceptions generated by the server to only contain the text sent by
the server (as opposed to the SQLState's 'standard' description,
followed by the server's error message). This property is set to 'true'
by default.

- - Fixed BUG#4689 - ResultSet.wasNull() does not work for primatives if a
previous null was returned.

- - Track packet sequence numbers if enablePacketDebug=true, and throw an
exception if packets received out-of-order.

- - Fixed BUG#4482, ResultSet.getObject() returns wrong type for strings
when using prepared statements.

- - Calling MysqlPooledConnection.close() twice (even though an
application error), caused NPE. Fixed.

- - Fixed BUG#5012 -- ServerPreparedStatements dealing with return of
DECIMAL type don't work.

- - Fixed BUG#5032 -- ResultSet.getObject() doesn't return type Boolean
for pseudo-bit types from prepared statements on 4.1.x (shortcut for
avoiding extra type conversion when using binary-encoded
result sets obscurred test in getObject() for 'pseudo' bit type)

- - You can now use URLs in 'LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE' statements, and the
driver will use Java's built-in handlers for retreiving the data and
sending it to the server. This feature is not enabled by default,
you must set the 'allowUrlInLocalInfile' connection property to 'true'.

- - The driver is more strict about truncation of numerics on
ResultSet.get*(), and will throw a SQLException when truncation is
detected. You can disable this by setting 'jdbcCompliantTruncation' to
false (it is enabled by default, as this functionality is required
for JDBC compliance).

- - Added three ways to deal with all-zero datetimes when reading them
from a ResultSet, 'exception' (the default), which throws a SQLException
with a SQLState of 'S1009', 'convertToNull', which returns NULL instead
of the date, and 'round', which rounds the date to the nearest closest
value which is '0001-01-01'.

- - Fixed ServerPreparedStatement to read prepared statement metadata off
the wire, even though it's currently a placeholder instead of using
MysqlIO.clearInputStream() which didn't work at various times because
data wasn't available to read from the server yet. This fixes sporadic
errors users were having with ServerPreparedStatements throwing

- - Use com.mysql.jdbc.Message's classloader when loading resource bundle,
should fix sporadic issues when the caller's classloader can't locate
the resource bundle.
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