Greetings All,

My name is Zak Greant. I work for MySQL AB as their community advocate - I am also helping to organize the content for our upcoming MySQL User Conference ( that is happening in April.

Our deadline for choosing the final list of sessions is a couple of days away. We have so much excellent content that has been proposed that we need some help from the community in choosing the content that is best for the event.

Here are five general talks that we are still pondering. Please let me know which talks you would best like to see.

* We will be posting addition information on the accepted sessions to within the next day.
* Even if you are not going, your feedback is valuable to you as we will work to post papers from most of the accepted sessions.
* We are also examining ways to let people who cannot attend still experience a few of the hands-on technical sessions via technology like VNC, live audio streams and/or IRC
* We are open to suggestions for other content in the form of BoF sessions and lightning talks (see

The session titles are:
 * Best Practices for MySQL Administration in an Enterprise Environment
 * Large Volume Data Transformation and Warehousing using MySQL
 * MySQL as an Embedded Database: An Implementation Story
 * Web Development with Bells and Whistles using MySQL
 * Show Me the Money: Getting Your MySQL Certification

Best Practices for MySQL Administration in an Enterprise Environment

 Best practices to effectively manage MySQL servers in the non-web
 space. Best practices are bunches of norms that generally make
 systems safer and cheaper. We will briefly review system
 configuration guidelines and what best practices means. The core
 presentation will review practices for space and perforamnce
 management, object management and UDFs, security, replication,
 backup, recovery and disaster recovery. The talk should be useful for
 both new and veteran MySQL DBAs, and will focus on MySQL 4.1.

Large Volume Data Transformation and Warehousing using MySQL

 In this session we describe a set of transformations and their
 corresponding layers for loading data into a data warehouse. Standard
 SQL is used in all steps and queries are performed on whole sets of
 data. The features include historisation of data, placeholders for
 orphaned records, type checking, consistency control, duplicate
 count, model transformation and optimizations.

 After extracting data from an operational system you are often left
 with relational, but not necessarily consistent data stored as text
 files with some kind of structure. However, for the purpose of doing
 analysis we need high data quality and performance, which is achieved
 through an efficient and consistent data model. The tables within it
 are our goal. In between the data is transformed and refined in
 several stages.

 In the process the data passes through different layers of
 transformation, where each layer is represented with its own
 namespace using MySQL databases. To begin with there is a temporary
 layer containing tables that have a one to one correspondence with
 the files. These are character based to ensure that no data is lost
 when reading the files into the database. Internal consistency and
 duplicate analysis is done here according to an XML definition of the

 The next layer is the raw layer, which is similar in model to the
 temporary layer with the exception of being persistent and having
 types. For data that should be historised only those records in the
 temporary layer that are new or constitute changes to data in raw are
 moved. Type, model and range errors are flagged here and another
 duplicate check is performed with respect to all data.

 Within raw we should have a complete history of all data contained in
 the files with some extra metadata. The model is the same as the one
 implied by the data in the files. Having come this far could
 sometimes be enough, but since this model could be denormalized we
 take the process one step further and provide a mechanism for
 converting the data into a new model. This is also useful for
 substituting compound natural keys with simple surrogate ones and
 thereby increases performance. In order to do so a key lookup layer
 is introduced, containing the natural keys from the raw layer
 together with auto incremented surrogate keys. This layer is further
 used to produce surrogate keys from foreign keys in orphaned records,
 which ensures consistency.

 The model in the key layer is the same as in our warehouse layer,
 which is loaded using a combination of data in the raw layer with the
 surrogate keys. The warehouse is in our case normalized according to
 3NF, yielding efficient storage since data is not duplicated in the
 tables. However, when doing analysis we could utilize far better
 models when it comes to performance. An optional final mart layer
 takes the data from 3NF to a star, snowflake or flat model.

MySQL as an Embedded Database: An Implementation Story

 Attendees will be taken through the decision process, implementation
 process review and outcome of using MySQL as an embedded database for
 one of Quest Software’s content management products.

 Decision Process:
 1. Reasons for evaluating MySQL
 2. Benefits of using MySQL
 3. Drawbacks of using MySQL
 4. Other solutions evaluated
 5. Outcome of decision and reasoning

1. Steps to implement
2. Migration
3. Implementation problems
4. Implementation WOWs (things that impressed us during the implementation process)
5. Use of consultants from MySQL
6. Creative solutions to some interesting problems during

 1. Lessons learned
 2. Things to do differently
 3. Outcome – Project success
 4. Other areas of possible use
 5. Comparisons with other DBs evaluated
 6. Customer/end user reaction and response

 Attendees should take away reasons to evaluate MySQL as a solution,
 an understanding of the implementation process and a review of using
 MySQL for applications.

Web Development with Bells and Whistles using MySQL

Many web programmers already use MySQL. However, lots of these hard working programmers work to tight deadlines, are self-taught, and may never have experimented with some of MySQL's newer features. In particular, lots of programmers have not experimented with the special capabilities of MySQL's different table types. In this session we will look at how you can apply these features in the web development environment. We will discuss when and how to use the following features in the web environment:
- different storage engines
- transactions
- full text searching
- subqueries

The session will run in tutorial mode and will be aimed at programmers who are already using MySQL in a simple way and would like to learn more.

Show Me the Money: Getting Your MySQL Certification

MySQL certification gives developers a way to show employers and clients that they have top notch MySQL chops. This session provides an overview of what the certification is, what it means, how it is structured and how you can become certified.

Cheers! -- Zak Greant MySQL AB Community Advocate

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