Dear MySQL users,

This is the BETA release for Utilities 1.6. MySQL Utilities version 1.6.3
is compatible with MySQL Server versions 5.5 and greater. Python v2.6 and
v2.7 are supported.
MySQL Utilities v1.6.3 BETA is available for download from

A brief summary of changes is listed below. Please check the CHANGES.txt
file inside the distribution for a more complete list of changes.

MySQL Utilities provides a collection of command-line utilities that are
used for maintaining and administering MySQL servers, including:
• Admin Utilities (Clone, Copy, Compare, Diff, Export, Import,
User Management)
• Replication Utilities (Setup, Configuration, Verification)
• General Utilities (Disk Usage, Redundant Indexes, Manage Meta &
Audit Data)
• And more

Changes in MySQL Utilities 1.6.3 (2016-03-22)

   Bugs Fixed

     * The --exclude option for the mysqldbexport command did
       not function. (Bug #22781266)

     * The mysqlfailover and mysqlrpladmin utilities did not
       function with MySQL 5.7 Servers. During the failover
       process, they failed with the following error: "Errors:
       Missing gtid_executed system variable." (Bug #22617526,
       Bug #80189)

     * The mysqlrplsync and mysqldbcopy utilities did not
       function with MySQL 5.7 when used in a topology with a
       master. The problem was due to table locking, and began
       occurring when session_variables was moved to
       PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA in MySQL 5.7.6. The master UUID is now
       retrieved before locking the tables. (Bug #22608528, Bug
       #22628187, Bug #80200)

     * Several man pages were missing from the RPM package. (Bug
       #21905774, Bug #78580)

     * The mysqldbcompare utility now checks if MySQL servers
       are aliases. (Bug #21845449, Bug #78446)

     * Using the mysqlauditgrep utility with the --format option
       would throw an exception when the audit log file
       contained Unicode characters, and when the format was
       changed to something other than the default RAW. The
       error looked similar to "UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii'
       codec can't encode characters in position". (Bug

     * With the mysqldbcompare utility, using the same
       connection information for both --server1 and --server2
       with the --all option would raise an AttributeError
       error. (Bug #21839348, Bug #78439)

     * The mysqldbexport utility's --exclude option was ignored
       for data when passing in either the data or both value.
       (Bug #21784538)

     * Several utilities (the daemon utilities, mysqlfailover,
       and mysqlrplms) created pid files with the default
       permissions on *nix systems (0777). The permissions are
       now more restrictive. (Bug #21653496)

     * MySQL Utilities failed to execute when the sql_mode
       option included "ANSI_QUOTES". (Bug #21653352, Bug

     * Executing the mysqldbcompare utility to find differences
       between two databases on different hosts could fail with
       an error similar to "Unread result found". (Bug
       #21572065, Bug #73841)

     * The MySQL utilities did not function with .mylogin.cnf as
       of MySQL Server 5.6.25. (Bug #21343759, Bug #77550)

     * The Windows MSI 64-bit package, by default, installed in
       "Program Files (x86)\" on a 64-bit system, instead of
       "Program Files\". (Bug #20876820)

     * The mysqldiskusage utility incorrectly calculated disk
       usage, leading to an inaccurate result. (Bug #76703)

Reporting Bugs
We welcome and appreciate your feedback and bug reports:


On Behalf of the MySQL/ORACLE RE Team
Hery Ramilison

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