Dear MySQL users,

The MySQL developer tools team announces 6.3.5 as our GA release for
MySQL Workbench 6.3.

For the full list of changes in this revision, visit

For discussion, join the MySQL Workbench Forums:

Download MySQL Workbench 6.3.5 GA now, for Windows, Mac OS X 10.7+,
Oracle Linux 6 and 7, Fedora 21 and Fedora 22, Ubuntu 14.04 and
Ubuntu 15.04 or sources, from:


Changes in MySQL Workbench 6.3.5 (2015-10-21)

   Known limitations:

     * The new JSON editor is in an early state, and has a
       number of usability issues.

     * The table editor in a MySQL Workbench model does not
       allow the JSON data type. The table editor in the SQL
       Editor is not affected.

     * Model synchronization fails to function for tables with
       JSON columns.

     * The MySQL migration wizard will not function with MySQL
       Server 5.7 as the source database. However, MySQL Server
       5.7 can be the target database.

     * The bundled mysqldump tool fails to create dumps for
       MySQL Server 5.6 and earlier. To work around this
       limitation, set an explicit mysqldump binary in the
       Workbench preferences under Administration -> Data Export
       and Import -> Path to mysqldump Tool. Use one from MySQL
       Server 5.6.

   Functionality Added or Changed

     * A JSON viewer/editor was added in the field editor for
       result sets.

   Bugs Fixed

     * Executing Create EER Model from Database with Place
       imported objects on a diagram enabled would not always
       create the diagram. (Bug #22046248)

     * On OS X 10.11, a newly opened EER diagram was not always
       viewable. A workaround was to either scroll or resize the
       EER diagram window. (Bug #22016760, Bug #78829)

     * MySQL Workbench commercial edition now checks MySQL
       Enterprise Backup compatibility with MySQL 5.7 when using
       the Online Backup and Restore features. MySQL Enterprise
       Backup 4.0 and above is required with MySQL 5.7 and
       above. (Bug #21972677)

     * On Windows, connecting via RDP to Workbench with a model
       would cause MySQL Workbench to crash. (Bug #21951171)

     * On Windows with the firewall enabled, either editing a
       current user or creating a new user from the Users and
       Privileges tab would crash after clicking Apply. (Bug

     * Under Server Status, the reported Disk Space in Data Dir
       was limited to "1.00 TB", even if more space was
       available. (Bug #21833382)

     * The SQL parser and grammar was updated; some queries
       would emit bogus errors, although they would execute with
       success. For example, queries with syntax such as "ALTER
       foo MODIFY bar INT NOT NULL". (Bug #21776051, Bug
       #20116935, Bug #77549, Bug #75048)

     * On Windows, creating blocked statements (such as
       BEGIN...END) with auto-complete activated would cause
       MySQL Workbench to emit an unhandled exception (Bug
       #21774642, Bug #77488)

     * On Linux, dragging a routine to a Routine Group did not
       function. (Bug #21770594, Bug #78299)

     * Opening Open Value in Viewer to view the contents of BLOB
       and string types would sometimes crash MySQL Workbench.
       (Bug #21746985, Bug #75516)

     * An SSH timeout option was added, under the Others
       preferences panel. (Bug #21690190)

     * After opening a model file, after choosing Preferences,
       Others, checking (enabling) Allow more than one instance
       of MySQL Workbench to run, clicking OK would crash MySQL
       Workbench. (Bug #21666322)

     * On Windows 10, MySQL Workbench failed with an error
       similar to "The type initializer for
       'HtmlRenderer.Utils.FontsUtils' threw an exception". The
       HtmlRenderer.dll DLL was updated with a fix. (Bug
       #21642135, Bug #75344)

     * Clicking Cancel when using the Table Import wizard would
       emit an error, although the import process continued.
       (Bug #21610117, Bug #78013)

     * On OS X, the Rescan for local MySQL instances operation
       was not discovering local MySQL server connections. (Bug
       #21605220, Bug #77989)

     * On Windows, and when connecting to MySQL Server 5.7.8 or
       higher, the Server Logs did not properly display the
       MySQL error logs, and it instead referred to a file named
       "stderr" that could not be found. This is because the
       error log is now written to the Windows Event Log. (Bug
       #21566823, Bug #77958)

     * Executing Control + W to close all tabs, and then
       executing it again (with all tabs already closed), would
       emit a Null Pointer Exception. (Bug #21543454, Bug

     * When creating new user privileges with access to All
       Schemas (via the % wildcard), the resulting user record
       in mysql.db was created with an asterisk (*) in
       mysql.db.Host and mysql.db.Db instead of using %,
       resulting in inability to connect to the database.
       As a workaround, you could have executed queries such as
       "UPDATE mysql.db SET Host='%', Db='%' WHERE User =
       'MyNewUserName'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;". (Bug #21529564, Bug

     * Several grammar and spelling fixes were made in the GUI.
       (Bug #21526053)

     * With MySQL not running, the MySQL Enterprise Backup
       Restore option would emit an unhandled exception, and it
       was unable to execute restore operations. (Bug #21496671,
       Bug #21619525)

     * Expanding the schema tree for a database that contained a
       large number of tables, such as 20,000 tables, would
       cause a crash. (Bug #21490728, Bug #77801)

     * The Table Data Import wizard failed to import data into
       an existing table when a DECIMAL column was used. (Bug
       #21461807, Bug #77739)

     * Importing a DBDesigner4 schema would sometimes fail, and
       cause a crash. (Bug #21429693, Bug #77688)

     * After opening a model's EER diagram for the first time,
       opening the Preferences menu would immediately cause
       MySQL Workbench to crash, due to some parts being
       uninitialized. (Bug #21395988, Bug #77662)

     * When copying elements from one diagram to another, the
       style attributes were not copied, although the position
       of the elements were retained. (Bug #21384159, Bug

     * The Performance and Firewall options were missing from
       the Server menu in the commercial edition. (Bug

     * The Unlock the Audit log procedure in the Audit Inspector
       would sometimes fail due to malformed XML. (Bug

     * Sometimes Startup / Shutdown management would ignore the
       system's profile and use default commands to start and
       stop the MySQL server. (Bug #21357438)

     * On Linux, with the commercial edition, MySQL Workbench
       did not delete the cron job after the scheduled online
       backup was deleted. (Bug #21312652)

     * On Ubuntu 15.04, MySQL Workbench threw a lot of
       GLib-GObject warnings. (Bug #21292286, Bug #77420)

     * Forward Engineering would sometimes append "COMMENT ''"
       to field and index definitions. (Bug #21278452, Bug
       #21429688, Bug #21390162, Bug #77400, Bug #77685, Bug

     * Making an SSH connection to a server where the
       fingerprint was not in the known_hosts file, clicking
       Test Connection under Remote Management would freeze
       MySQL Workbench. (Bug #21264620)
       References: This bug was introduced by Bug #21122128.

     * The Data Export wizard failed to include date information
       when the JSON export type was used instead of CSV. (Bug
       #21259942, Bug #77364)

     * With the commercial edition, setting up a new Online
       Backup profile would display an "Error Configuring
       Backup" error after entering in details, such as the
       MySQL Enterprise Backup executable path and backup home
       directory, and then clicking Ok. The settings would not
       save due to UTF-8 conversion failures in the helper file. (Bug #21255978)

     * When importing JSON, the Table Data Import wizard would
       fail at the Configure Import Settings step, and emit
       "Can't analyze file, please try to change encoding
       type...". (Bug #21252834, Bug #77335)

     * After exporting a database with no-create-info checked,
       the import operation would fail to import it. (Bug
       #21250323, Bug #71393)

     * In the Table Data Import wizard, the Field Separator
       dropdown in the Configure Import Settings operation did
       not list the "," (comma) character. (Bug #21240249)

     * From the Table Data Import wizard, switching the line
       endings from the Configure Import Settings screen, and
       then switching it back, would cause the table columns to
       be displayed on a single line. (Bug #21240215)

     * Improved integer and number recognition for data
       import/export with CSV files. (Bug #21240092)

     * In the commercial edition, the Audit Log Inspector logo
       was broken. (Bug #21236152, Bug #77302)

     * With the commercial edition, clicking Firewall after
       stopping the MySQL Server would emit the following
       unhandled exception: "'NoneType' object has no attribute
       'find'". (Bug #21236051, Bug #77304)

     * The validate_password plugin options are no longer
       visible in the Options File editor when the plugin is not
       enabled. (Bug #21187942)

     * With MySQL server not running, and with a MySQL
       Enterprise Backup configuration file missing, attempting
       to open either the Online Backup or Restore tabs would
       throw an unhandled exception. (Bug #21161660)

     * On Fedora, executing Help, Locate Log File / Show Log
       File would fail to function, due to an underlining
       problem with glib 2.44. For additional information, see
       Fedora bug #1175719. (Bug #21113811)

     * In the Audit Inspector, executing Select or Deselect from
       the Show Columns context-menu would fail to function.
       (Bug #20956668)

     * Several buttons and text boxes were not always located in
       the correct location. (Bug #20929972)

     * On OS X, the Shift + Alt + Arrow combination would select
       individual characters instead of whole words. (Bug
       #20797766, Bug #76526)
       References: This bug is a regression of Bug #50085.

     * When executing Start Command Line Client, entering the
       incorrect MySQL password would immediately close the
       Window. Now, an error is displayed before the window is
       closed. (Bug #20737515)

     * The VARBINARY type could not be edited in the results
       view grid. Clicking Apply to execute the change would
       emit an error. (Bug #20735501, Bug #76386)

     * On Windows, SSH connections would fail when connecting to
       a server with pageant running. (Bug #20652700, Bug

     * The MySQL server connection would sometimes timeout
       (error 10060) while processing the result set when
       combined with a large number or rows (e.g., 10,000) and
       an SSH tunneled MySQL connection. (Bug #20639995, Bug

     * The Action Output query tooltip would sometimes display
       information about the wrong query. (Bug #20535654, Bug

     * On Windows, a scheduled incremental MySQL Enterprise
       Backup backup job would always choose the latest backup
       as the base for the backup instead of using the last
       successful backup. This meant that after a failed backup,
       future incremental backups would fail until the next
       successful full backup. (Bug #20533780)

     * The Catalog Tree would truncate table names at around 20
       characters. (Bug #20122059, Bug #74995)

     * The Table Inspector could fail if the schema name
       contained a dash. (Bug #20007660, Bug #74788)

     * The bundled SSH library (paramiko) was not capable of
       supporting the key exchange algorithm (ecdsa) added in
       OpenSSL 6.7. (Bug #20003201, Bug #74658)

     * When a connection to a MySQL server instance through a
       SSH Tunnel, MySQL Workbench failed to recognize the
       server fingerprints stored in the .ssh/known_hosts file,
       and claimed that the server authenticity could not be
       established. Clicking Continue also caused the current
       fingerprint to be removed, after which MySQL Workbench
       Also, due to a bug in the underlining paramiko library,
       if a server supported ECDSA and RSA, paramiko would first
       try to use RSA and, as such, not use ECDSA. For
       information about this bug, see (Bug
       #19714350, Bug #74160)

     * The import and export process did not always function
       with network folders. (Bug #19443451, Bug #73575)

On behalf of Oracle MySQL Release Team,
Lars Tangvald

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