Running MySQL (mysql  Ver 11.18 Distrib 3.23.58, for redhat-linux-gnu
(i386)) on RedHat 9, and running into a rather serious (for me) problem.

Pretty much every business day, mysqld will at some point start to take
forever to finish queries. During this time, it uses tons of swap and
only 30 or so megs of real memory is in use by mysqld. Around 35 Megs of
real RAM is reported as free at the time (I assume the rest is buffers
as killing mysqld will have little effect on the total amount of real
memory free). The only way to fix this is to restart the server.

The feeling I get is it prefers to use swap rather than real memory.

In my opinion there's no reason for it to be using swap ever. I'm using
the my-medium.cnf and the server has 1 gig of RAM. 'free' (with mysqld
freshly restarted) shows:

        total           used    free    shared  buffers cached
Mem     1030672         994620  36052   0       247192  683636
-/+ buffers/cache:      63792   966880
Swap:   1020116         22104   998012

I don't currently have a 'free' output for when the server is swapping.

I've considered the possibility of this RedHat version of MySQL being
bad (I believe his has happened before), but I didn't find anything
through my searches of Google.

The load on this server is relatively light. The database itself is only
92 Megs and it averages 0.5 queries a second. Prior to these problems,
this database was running in "production" without issue for a good 3
months. Recently the load has increased, but only from .3 to .5 queries
a second.

Anyone have any ideas on where I should start looking?


Chris Cameron
UpNIX Internet Administrator

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