
does anyone know of any GPL'd equivilent to an Oracle Name Server 
(essentially DNS for SQL*Net)?

I am considering writing such a thing but wanted to see if someone had 
already invented this particular wheel.

essentially I envision a server (probably redundant pair) to which 
application servers (tomcat, apache, PERL scripts, etc.) would make requests 
that looked something like:

"[tomcat1, fcgi2, etc.] needs a [production, development, QC, etc.] 
connection to a(n) [MySQL, Oracle, DB/2] [ERP, CRM, inventory, etc.] 

to which the server would respond (probably in XML):

"connect to port [3306, 1521, etc.] on [mydb00, ordb01, etc.] as [username] 
identified by [password]" (or other non-user/pw authentication info)

the server would determine which of N nodes in a given state/rdbms/service 
pool based on health, load on each node, response, etc. (basically same as 
you'd do w/HTTP VIPs).

I envision a small PERL client that would be a function call that connects 
to the server which would return the required authentication information.

one of the main goals would be for it to be cross-rdbms and 

does anyone know if such an animal currently exists somewhere?


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