Does anyone know why I'm getting this error? Does it have to do with
character locale problems (notice the "search.glyphs LIKE" part)?

This code used to work fine before, but lately it's been getting
"MySQL server has gone away" errors every time it executes, so I'm

Breakpoint 2, main (argc=2, argv=0xbfffedf4) at search.c:65
65      query(&mysql, query);
(gdb) x/2s query
0xbfff2b80:     "SELECT lyrics.lnum, romaji, glyphs, type, shandle, lhandle, name, 
title FROM series_name, lyrics, series_lyric, series, search WHERE lyrics.lnum = 
series_lyric.lnum AND series.snum = series_lyric.snum"...
0xbfff2c48:     " AND series_lyric.alias = 0 AND lyrics.lnum = search.lnum AND 
series_name.snum = series.snum AND series_name.alias = 0 AND search.glyphs LIKE 
'%\227аз\224\212\201%' ORDER BY type, name, title"
(gdb) next
MySQL Error: MySQL server has gone away

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