Hello all ,

Can anybody tell me what to do to setup MySql with EJB ?

It is running very fine for creation of the CMPs but it is not getting the
DATA while executing FindByPrimaryKey option ,
it is able to create the instance of the Interface but could not get the
DATA from it.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Bernhard Fuerst" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2001 3:07 PM
Subject: mySQL and MacOS X: very slow

> Hi all,
> I benchmarked mySQL 3.23.36 on the new MacOS X and got the following
> results:
> ATIS       :   101.00
> alter-table:   767.00
> big-tables :    90.00
> connect    :   178.00
> create     :   957.00
> insert     : 38029.00
> select     : +3274.00
> wisconsin  :   307.00
> That's too slow especially the time it needs for inserts (compared to
> Do anyone has an idea why it is so slow??
> Here some config details:
> The machine is a PowerBook G3 (Firewire) with 400 Mhz PowerPC G3 and 265
> MB RAM. When I run the benchmark there was approximately 150 MB of free
> RAM (reported by 'top'). I did nothing on the machine in this time.
> I configured and compiled mySQL with the following parameters:
> CFLAGS="-O4 -fomit-frame-pointer"  \
> CXXFLAGS="-O4 -fomit-frame-pointer -felide-constructors -fno-exceptions
> -fno-rtti" \
> ./configure \
> --prefix=/usr/local/mysql \
> --with-mysqld-ldflags=-all-static \
> --without-debug \
> --with-extra-charset=complex \
> --enable-assembler
> mysqld is configured as follows:
> ansi_mode               | OFF
> back_log                | 50
> basedir                 | /usr/local/
> binlog_cache_size       | 32768
> character_set           | latin1
> character_sets          | latin1 dec8 dos german1 hp8 koi8_ru latin2
> swe7 usa7 cp1251 danish hebrew win1251 estonia hungarian koi8_ukr
> win1251ukr greek win1250 croat cp1257 latin5 |
> concurrent_insert       | ON
> connect_timeout         | 5
> datadir                 | /usr/local/var/
> delay_key_write         | ON
> delayed_insert_limit    | 100
> delayed_insert_timeout  | 300
> delayed_queue_size      | 1000
> flush                   | OFF
> flush_time              | 0
> have_bdb                | NO
> have_gemini             | NO
> have_innobase           | NO
> have_isam               | YES
> have_raid               | NO
> have_ssl                | NO
> init_file               |
> interactive_timeout     | 28800
> join_buffer_size        | 131072
> key_buffer_size         | 8388600
> language                | /usr/local/share/mysql/english/
> large_files_support     | ON
> locked_in_memory        | OFF
> log                     | OFF
> log_update              | OFF
> log_bin                 | OFF
> log_slave_updates       | OFF
> long_query_time         | 10
> low_priority_updates    | OFF
> lower_case_table_names  | 0
> max_allowed_packet      | 1048576
> max_binlog_cache_size   | 4294967295
> max_binlog_size         | 1073741824
> max_connections         | 100
> max_connect_errors      | 10
> max_delayed_threads     | 20
> max_heap_table_size     | 16777216
> max_join_size           | 4294967295
> max_sort_length         | 1024
> max_user_connections    | 0
> max_tmp_tables          | 32
> max_write_lock_count    | 4294967295
> myisam_recover_options  | OFF
> myisam_sort_buffer_size | 8388608
> net_buffer_length       | 16384
> net_read_timeout        | 30
> net_retry_count         | 10
> net_write_timeout       | 60
> open_files_limit        | 0
> pid_file                | /usr/local/var/localhost.pid
> port                    | 3306
> protocol_version        | 10
> record_buffer           | 131072
> query_buffer_size       | 0
> safe_show_database      | OFF
> server_id               | 0
> skip_locking            | OFF
> skip_networking         | OFF
> skip_show_database      | OFF
> slow_launch_time        | 2
> socket                  | /tmp/mysql.sock
> sort_buffer             | 2097144
> table_cache             | 64
> table_type              | MYISAM
> thread_cache_size       | 0
> thread_stack            | 65536
> transaction_isolation   | READ-COMMITTED
> tmp_table_size          | 1048576
> tmpdir                  | /var/tmp/
> version                 | 3.23.36
> wait_timeout            | 28800
> Thanks,
> Bernhard
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