Am 02.04.2011 02:18, schrieb Thomas Dineen:

> The following error occurs:
> 110401 16:42:30 [ERROR] /usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld: Can't find file: 
> './mysql/host.frm' (errno: 13)

BTW: you know google?
"Can't find file: './mysql/host.frm' (errno: 13)"
so this is a permissions-problem

i guess there is a data-dir in the tar.gz you "installed"
as root and you did not change its permissions

> Keep in mind that I have tried several dozen experiments over many late hours
> with a version host.frm from a older version of mysql with NO success! I have
> tried putting it in every possible location. Using 777 file permissions.

you should not blind copy files without any idea what you are doing

> root@Sun# pwd
> /usr/local/mysql
> root@Sun# ls
> bin         info        man         mysql-test  var
> host.frm    lib         my.cnf      share
> include     libexec     mysql       sql-bench

delete the host.from from here and everywhere you placed it
and please open your eyes if you too lazy read documentations

you see the folder "var"?

RTFM (google: "mysql /usr/local default datadir"):

If you get Errcode 13 (which means Permission denied) when starting mysqld, 
this means that the privileges of the
data directory or its contents do not permit server access. In this case, you 
change the permissions for the
involved files and directories so that the server has the right to use them. 
You can also start the server as root,
but this raises security issues and should be avoided.

On Unix, change location into the data directory and check the ownership of the 
data directory and its contents to
make sure the server has access. For example, if the data directory is 
/usr/local/mysql/var, use this command:

shell> ls -la /usr/local/mysql/var

If the data directory or its files or subdirectories are not owned by the login 
account that you use for running
the server, change their ownership to that account. If the account is named 
mysql, use these commands:

shell> chown -R mysql /usr/local/mysql/var
shell> chgrp -R mysql /usr/local/mysql/var

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