"Bruno Batarelo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a problem to report. There is a SELECT query that selects data from
> three tables according to certain criteria. It goes like this:
> SELECT bglavna.T001, bpolja.ID AS ID2, bpotpolja.TEKST
> FROM (bglavna INNER JOIN bpolja ON bglavna.ID=bpolj
Hello all
I have a problem to report. There is a SELECT query that selects data from
three tables according to certain criteria. It goes like this:
SELECT bglavna.T001, bpolja.ID AS ID2, bpotpolja.TEKST
FROM (bglavna INNER JOIN bpolja ON bglavna.ID=bpolja.FK) INNER JOIN
bpotpolja ON bpolja.ID=bpo