We have a relatively small web site running 4.0.20 on a Dell 2850
running RedHat. 

We rarely see any SQL statements visible when we run SHOW PROCESSLIST
and typically use  30 - 40 concurrent connections.


The Number of SQL Queries graph in MySQL Administrator usually is in the
0 to 10 range with occaisional spikes to 40 - 50.


Lately I have been noticing the Max value in the Number of SQL Queries
setting at 2,000 +. This happens maybe once or twice a day and I have
only been looking at the display when it happened 1 time. There does not
seem to be any unusal difference in the rest of the graphs, page hits on
the web site, network traffic etc. Nothing seems to be impacted when
this activity occurs. I just don't understand what could cause this kind
of activity on the server with our web site usage profile. We do have
some people using access through ODBC, but I have not been able to
recreate the event.


Does anyone have any ideas on what could cause this?

Shouild I be concerned?

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