I have created a database called friends with four columns:
Name / Address / City / State

I also made an XML file to coincide with those variables:
                         <name>Friend 1</name>
                         <address>999 Foo Avenue</address>
                         <city>Foo Town</city>

The variables in the XML doc above are already in the database

BUT - what I want to do - using PHP and MySQL - is something like this:

$connection = mysql_connect("localhost", "foo", "bar") or die ("Could not 
connect to server.");
$db = mysql_select_db("friends") or die ("Could not select database.");
$sql = "select * from friends order by name asc";
$sql_result = mysql_query($sql, $connection) or die ("Could not execute 

echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n";
echo "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"friends.xsl\"?>\n\n";

echo "<test>\n";
echo "\t<contacts>\n";
echo "\t\t<friends>\n";

echo "\t\t\t<name>";
echo "$name";
echo "\t\t\t</name>\n";

echo "\t\t\t<address>";
echo "$address";
echo "\t\t\t</address>\n";

echo "\t\t\t<city>";
echo "$city";
echo "\t\t\t</city>\n"

echo "\t\t\t<state>";
echo "$home";
echo "\t\t\t</state>\n";

echo "\t\t</friends>";
echo "\t</contacts>";
echo "</test>";


Can this be done and am I going about it the right way?

Should you have any questions, comments or concerns, feel free to call me 
at 318-338-2034.

Thank you for your time,

Jay Fitzgerald, Design Director - CSBW-A, CPW-A, CWD-A, CEMS-A
Bayou Internet..............(888) 
Mississippi Internet.......(800) 
Vicksburg Online..........(800) 
Tel: (318) 338-2034                ICQ: 38823829                     Fax: 
(318) 323-5053

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