I have been running into problems with mysqldump. I have not been able to figure out why mysqldump isnt working as I hope it would. Anyway I thought I'll make the mysql-list aware of the problem and hopefully it will help someone. Or better yet someone knows what I am doing wrong and could point it out to me ;)
Problem: After running mysqldump my longblob data gets corrupted. All other table data is dumped correctly. I have tried mysqldump on both a Linux and OpenBSD system with the same result. If I used "SELECT INTO OUTFILE" I was able to dump the longblod data and later use "LOAD DATA INFILE" to restore it correctly. How I use mysqldump: mysqldump --add-drop-table --force --single-transaction -u user -p password myDB > dumpfile My linux specs: MySQL 5.0.0-alpha InnoDB tables My OpenBSD specs: MySQL 5.0.0 debug binary release from mysql.com InnoDB tables /Jonas