I have 2 tables, category and ticket (relevant description follows):

mysql> describe ticket;
| Field           | Type                | Null | Key | Default
| Extra          |
| id              | int(6) unsigned     |      | PRI | NULL  |
auto_increment |
| catid           | int(6) unsigned     |      |     | 0     |
| state           | tinyint(3) unsigned | YES  |     | 0     |
mysql> describe category;
| Field | Type            | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| id    | int(6) unsigned |      | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| name  | char(128)       |      |     |         |                |

ticket.catid := SELECT id FROM category;

I'm trying to formulate a single SELECT query (possible subqueries) to
return the following data: category.id AS catid, category.name AS catname,
(SELECT catid, COUNT(catid) AS tick_total FROM ticket GROUP BY catid),
(SELECT state, count(state) AS state_count FROM ticket WHERE catid=X GROUP
BY state)

 - category id and name
 - total number of tickets in the category
 - total number of tickets in each state per category.

Row would look like:
catname | catid | tick_total | state_0_count | state_1_count | ... |

Is this possible using queries and subqueries? Or would this be something
I'd have to use procedures for? (I'm working on 4.1 so no procedures,
which is why I ask.)

I've been trying to find a way to do it with subqueries but the roadblock
I seem to be hitting is I need some way to turn the fields of a row from
one query into the columns of another query.

Note, I know this could be easily accomplished in the program instead of
MySQL, but it's always a challenge to see how much I can stuff into a
single query.

Ryan Sommers

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