You can accomplish it without granting everyone root privileges. Just create user accounts and grant them the right to create a database and to have full access to their own (NOT ALL databases on the server!) databases.
Babs ||> -----Original Message----- ||> From: Ron Gilbert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ||> Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2004 2:21 AM ||> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ||> Subject: GRANT to DB access ||> ||> ||> Is there a way to create a GRANT for a DB so that only one user can ||> access to the database? The only way I can see to do it involves taking ||> every user and GRANT them access to every other database, but not this ||> one. ||> ||> The problem I face is that I share a server with three friends, and we ||> all create databases on the server, so everyone needs general "super ||> user" privileges. ||> ||> I want to be able to create a database and keep the others from ||> accidentally accessing it. Obviously they can just change the GRANTs if ||> they really want to get to it, this is really to keep accidents from ||> happening. ||> ||> Does any of this make sense? Am I missing something obvious? ||> ||> Ron ||> ||> ||> ||> ||> ||> ||> -- ||> MySQL General Mailing List ||> For list archives: ||> To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- MySQL General Mailing List For list archives: To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]