From: Adam Staunton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Hi all,
> I just tried to change a field with a type of LongText to 
> Text and with a width of 10 characters in phpmyadmin. It 
> accepted the change of the field type top "text" but didn't 
> seem to accept the change in field length to "10". To test , 
> I entered 20 characters into  a text field in my php/mysql 
> database and it accepted it when I updated.
> What's wrong ? or is it not possible to assign actual field 
> lengths in phpmyadmin ?

The TEXT type doesn't have a user-set limit on it:

If all the records going in the column are 10 characters, use a CHAR(10):


Mike Johnson
Web Developer
Smarter Living, Inc.
phone (617) 886-5539

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