Have you done a $ ps aux | grep mysql and checked the daemon is running?
It sounds as if it hasn't started. If not, then you need to check the
mysql log. It is probably in /var/log/mysqld.log or somewhere similar.
You can look up the errors at
http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/index.html This
Try going to http://www.entropy.ch/software/macosx/mysql/. There is a
download and instructions on how to set it up. I've installed it on OSX
10.0.4 Server, OSX 10.0.4 Client, and OSX 10.1 Client and it's worked
perfectly every time. Hope this helps.
> > From: Brandon Pearcy <
> Has anyone successfully set up MySQL on Mac OS X 10.0.4 yet? If so,
> what distribution did you use? What special steps (if any) did you
> have to take? Every tutorial on this topic that I've found on the
> web so far, is either outdated or has simply has not worked for me.
That's becau
I've had success, but it has been painful and I'm not sure that I can easily
reproduce it. I did a combination of the mysql load that provided the
latest version and then got the mysql package from this German guy. I found
him from the discussions on http://www.apple.com/support. There