ent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 6:41 PM
Subject: Bill, your computer has got a worm (virus-like thingie) Re:
Sub-select look-alike?
> Hi Bill,
> you wrote to me and probably several other people:
> > If I understand your question, you just need to join with the languages
> &
If I understand your question, you just need to join with the languages
table twice, using aliases:
select LF.language, LT.language
from language_pairs P, languages LF, languages LT
where LF.id = P.from and LT.id = P.to;
> From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Andreas_Fr=F8sting?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> T
Hi Greg,
> SELECT f.language as From, t.language as To
> FROM language f, language t, language_pairs lp
> WHERE f.id = lp.from
> AND t.id = lp.to;
I really need to get some sleep I think.
So simple, and yet my buggy mind didn't come up with that solution.
(sql, query - just
Is that what you want?
SELECT languages.language, languages.fieldN, .., language_pairs.fieldX
FROM language_pairs INNER JOIN
Languages ON languages.id=language_pairs.id WHERE /* conditions */
-Original Message-
From: Andreas Frøsting [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 13
SELECT f.language as From, t.language as To
FROM language f, language t, language_pairs lp
WHERE f.id = lp.from
AND t.id = lp.to;
--Greg Johnson
-Original Message-
From: Andreas Frøsting [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 10:13 AM