It is actually a little tricky. You need to build the table in mysql yourself, then 
use some utility to import it. I would use perl. The problem with Excel is that when 
it exports csv, it does not quote empty fields (I think), So, you can't use 
Text::ParseWords (AFAIK). Here is a regexp which will do the pattern matching for you 
(courtesy of the O'Reilly Regular Expressions book):
@info = ();
while ($data =~ m/"([^"\\]*(\\.[^"\\]*)*)",?|([^,]+),?|,/g) {        
push(@info, defined($1) ? $1 : $3 );      }      
push(@info,undef) if $data=~ m/,$/;

Then, just use DBI to get the data into MySQL.
Hope this helps.

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