For auto_increment columns MySQL sets in the binary logs INSERT_ID
variable, research binary and relay logs and check if it is set to
the same value. Is it possible that you forgot to change the
master_log_pos and master_log_file after copying the data to the slave?
Trying to help you with your replication problems is pretty much
impossible without more information, such as: mysql versions and a more
detailed explanation of your replication setup.
I manage setups ranging from 1-14 replication slaves transmitting up to 2
gigabytes of data per day, and none of
I have had same issue for very long time - but managed.
I see this as a "bug / issue" to be handled by MySQL - because the
logfile/replicationfile should not add more data then the orig SQL from program
- in this case is added the auto-increment, which is dealt with internal by
thank you for the bug report. I was able to repeat the bug.
It is indeed a bug if MySQL does not roll back the whole SQL statement if
the statement provokes a foreign key constraint error. And it should not be
written to the binlog.
The fix is to change in /sql/sql_delete.cc the line 148