Let's say I have the following table:

`id` blahblah,
`firstName` blahblah,
`lastName` blahblah,
`phone` blahblah,
`fax` blahblah,
`email` blahblah

If I do "SELECT id, firstName, lastName, email FROM Users, my result set is
returned as follows:

| Id | Firstname | LastName   | EmailAddress            |
|  1 | John      | Doe        | [EMAIL PROTECTED]          |
|  2 | Joe       | Bob        | [EMAIL PROTECTED]      |

as expected.  But I'm wondering if I could somehow form the query such that
the result set is turned on it's axis like so:

|  1 | Firstname    | John               |
|  1 | LastName     | Doe                |
|  1 | EmailAddress | [EMAIL PROTECTED]     |
|  2 | Firstname    | Joe                |
|  2 | LastName     | Bob                |
|  2 | EmailAddress | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |

or some approximation thereof?


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