Has anyone here seen any software (preferably PHP and Open Source) that connects to MySQL and allows people to build/design/modify databases and tables? I'm not really looking for something like DBDesigner or phpMyAdmin although their close/similar to want I want, I'd like something more orientated towards allowing developers to create or modify databases within certain constraints and with predefined implementations of common data structures. Sorry for the vagueness my brief is a bit fuzzy at the moment. Something like a standalone implementation of Microsoft's SQL builder tool (with the little table based drop-downs) combined with DBDesigner, then some sort of "table" template and restriction features added in with the whole lot simplified down a bit to work via a web interface. Oh and the moon on a stick as well ;^). Seriously however just examples of other programs or interfaces (whatever database/OS/language) would be good so I can compare GUI's and implementations to start with.


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