I read your manual, but the details aren't always covered.
I want to add -skip-name-resolution the the my.ini file.
That file doesn't seem to be anywhere, although the 
WinMySqlAdmin tool says yes there is one present.  
I know I can edit it from the tool, but what would I add to it?

I'm using 3.23.36 on Win98 for learning purposes... 

I'm also having trouble displaying the whole admin -help 
information, because even though my DOS window has a
scrollbar, 50 lines is the maximum number which can be 
viewed, and the beginning of the information simply 
disappears,  never to to seen again!

I'm working my way step by step through the manual.
Mysql is installed successfully, up and running, starts & stops.
I've created a table in the test database, but can't insert
data into any of the fields, don't know how to view the structure
of the table, and wonder if mysql supports returning schema 
data using jdbc driver from mark mathews.

Fun, but tedious.    - pablo alonso, ventura, ca.

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