mysql ver 5.0.26 standard

Can a trigger call a procedure that returns a result

I am trying to get around this error msg.
ERROR 1415 (0A000): Not allowed to return a result set
from a trigger


Below is a more concise description of my issue and
logic pattern

when a record is updated a trigger and procedure must
be fired off.

if statements

if the NEW.total_amount donated by contact_id is less
then the current amount and the donation_id is not
equal to the current max donation_id then do nothing
to the max_donation table.


if the NEW.total_amount donated by contact_id is equal
to the current amount donated and the donation id is
not equal to current max donation then insert
NEW.donation_id and contact_id into the max_donation


if the NEW.total_amount donated is greater then the
current max donation and the donation id does not
equal the current max donation_id then update the
max_donation table with the NEW.donation_id and amount


if the NEW.total_amount donated is less then the
current max donation and the donation_id is equal to
the current donation_id in the max donation table then
run a procedure to populate with the right information

not done

so i need a procedure i can call from an
after_update_trigger that will, when called search
though the donation_table for all donations made by
contact_id and return donation_id(s) of all records
that equal the max donation. For example if contact_id
makes 5 donations equal to 500.00 i need the procedure
to store all of the donation_id's = $500.00 for entry
into the max_donation table.

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