- Original Message -
From: "Sheryl Canter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2003 2:46 PM
Subject: need help with subselect workaround
This is a reprise of a question I asked some months ago. Bruce Feist and
Tore Bostrup g
This is a reprise of a question I asked some months ago. Bruce Feist and Tore Bostrup
gave me some untested code to try. I've only now been able to try it, and it's not
quite working right. Here's a recap of the problem I'm trying to solve:
My Web host is running MySQL 3.23, which doesn't suppor
>Student | Class
>Steve Lefevre | Math101
>Stacy Adams | Intro to SQL
>Something like
>SELECT Student.Name, Classes.Name FROM Students, Classes WHERE
>Students.StudentID = " . $ID . " AND Classes.Name IN ( SELECT
>FROM Classes WHERE ClassID = Students.Clas
From: Lefevre, Steven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ...I think I need a subselect...
It's rare that a sub-select is actually ~needed~, but it does happen. You can almost
always get around it with a JOIN of some sort.
> Final result should look like
> Student | Class
> --
> St
R.StudentID='364326' AND R.ClassID=C.ClassID
-Original Message-
From: Lefevre, Steven [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 8:22 AM
Subject: subselect wo
-Original Message-
From: Lefevre, Steven [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Hey folks-
> 'nother question.
> I'm not an SQL expert, and I think I need a subselect, which
> means I need a workaround on MySQL 3.23 or whatever version it is.
> Here's the tables I have, with the relevant column
Hey folks-
'nother question.
I'm not an SQL expert, and I think I need a subselect, which means I need a
workaround on MySQL 3.23 or whatever version it is.
Here's the tables I have, with the relevant columns:
- Name
- StudentID (PK)
- ClassID
- ClassID (PK)
- Name
On Tuesday 10 December 2002 07:48, Amittai Aviram wrote:
> Sorry! I meant UPDATE, not INSERT!
> UPDATE administrators SET id =
> (SELECT id FROM faculty
> WHERE lastName = "Jones")
> WHERE ordr = 1;
You can use multi-tables updates from 4.0.2
In earlier versions use programming languages.
OOPS! Please note correction below!
> Here is what I would want to do:
> INSERT INTO administrators (id) values
> (SELECT id FROM faculty
> WHERE lastName = "Jones")
> WHERE ordr = 1;
Sorry! I meant UPDATE, not INSERT!
UPDATE administrators SET id =
(SELECT id FROM faculty
WHERE lastName =
Scenario: Databases to list names, titles, contact information, and other
professional stuff about faculty members, administrators, and staff in a
university department, used (among other things) as a backend to a series of
Web pages with listings.
I had had three tables: faculty, administration
>Can someone please tell me why this won't work.
>if (defined($res)){
> my $stmt = qq{select distinct symbol from portfolio where $res};
> my $sth = $dbh->prepare($stmt);
> $sth->execute();
> my $portsymbols = "";
> while ($sth->fetchrow) {
> $portsymb
Hi Paul,
There is no direct way to make a string by concatinating strings of
different columns. But your problem can be solved in a different way.
select distinct p.symbol, from portfolio p, portfolio pp, stockinfo i
where pp.type = '401k' AND pp.owner = 'jim'
and p.symbol = i.symbol a
-Original Message-
From: Mr. psm996 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, 02 January, 2002 09:30
Subject: SubSelect Workaround help
How would one load the results of the following query into a one line comma
separated list so that it could be then include
How would one load the results of the following query into a one line comma
separated list so that it could be then included with an IN expr to get
around the lack of subselect in MySQL
select distinct symbol from portfolio where type='401k' AND owner='jim'
select distinct p.symbol, f
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