
Bill Bilano here to chime in on what the Sun acquisition will mean to everyone here!

Below you will find a list of changes that may impact how the MySQL Server and Client tools products will be utilized in the future. This list is in no way complete and I believe that additional changes will be announced as I see fit.

Now that the big dogs are in the house, it's time to get a few things in line and get our ducks in a row. We need to make sure we don't rock the boat and everyone is carrying their own weight. We don't want any suprises! There are some big changes that are needed in order to compete in this rapidly growing market segment.

1. Now that Sun in large and in charge, you all need to learn up some new rules: HIPPA, SOX, PCI, and GLB.

2. The name of the product is changing to "Product SuperNova"; no more of this cowboy B.S.!

2. No more of that ISO ANSI SQL junks! Sun is not interestes in that! From now on ALL search queries must be submitsed in accoding with a forthcoming XML DTD! There wont be ANY exceptions! (YES THAT MEANS YOU, MONTY!)

2. The backend must be complete re-writted in 100% pure Java! This is going to be made into a case study in how Java usage can fix the mistakes that bad programmers made! MySLQ seems PERFECT for this!

3. All administor tools need to be redone in SWING! This is the only cross platform widget standard there is and you have to use it. Immediately.

4. Create and Optomize an NFS table storage mechanism! Find a way of doing this.

5. We need something to complete with SQLLite so GET 'ER DONE! LOLLL!

6. Full steam forward on MySQL-FS projet!! this needs to be merged into the primary source trunk... we know that ZFS is balls and Billy "goat" Gates tried to meet the brokeback demon with YUKON but he couldn't work it. HINT: This is the joker up our hole!

7. Zero tolreance for anybody who gives Theo allowed to access the source tree any more! For any reason! Even if he promises!

8. Be ready to do a presentation on why you need to keep your job with MyQSL after the merger. Have this ready for the next board meeting because they will be interviewing all employees! Some of you will be fired so have a plan for this as it is not MySLQ's problem!

Now that I've spelledt it all our for you guys, you can thank me! Just as an FYI: _I do not work for MySQL or Sun_... I have some big Suns 6800s in my server room here at the bank and them is some fast, but these are the changes that I see as absolutely ESSENTIAL to the success of the product in the futuer!!!

If SUN follows my lead, and I believe they will becacuse of my mile long list of credentials, then we can look forward to wide acceptence of this fantastic product in the futare! (i am IT director for a huge US bank and as such I demand respect, and i typially get it because of my great ideas and tireless devotuoion to the cfommunity!)

Thanks for your TIME AND ATTENTION!!!

p.S> SELECT ON internets AT WHEN PRIORITY = "now";

Mr. Billy B. Bilano, MSCE, CCNA, CISSP, and now QISP
Expert Sysadmin Since 2003!

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