I'm playing around with using a load balancer to balance our slaves. What I want to do is put a load balancer in front of our slaves and then reconnect each time via the JDBC driver.

This way a slave can fail and I can just take it out of service. It also means that I can keep performance up at a decent level.

The problem is that my benchmarks show thats its MUCH slower to use this even without the load balancer.

With the JDBC driver connecting each time and running SELECT 1 it takes 7150ms. When using our connection pull it only takes 200ms (this is with 100 queries).

I increased thread_cached_size to 80 on the server and I notice that when I do a SHOW STATUS that Threads_created isn't increasing so thats not a problem.

So that leaves me with the following questions:

1. Are there any other variables or settings I should tweak to make this faster?
2. Is this as fast as its going to get?
3. Does actually USING the loadbalancer hold the connection open thus speed it up? If it does hold the connection open how does the JDBC driver handle this situation? Seems like it would get confused.
3. Is there a HOWTO for using MySQL with a load balancer?



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