Thanks so much. There was a slight syntax change, replacing your first ORDER
BY with a GROUP BY, but it worked.
Yep *slapping forehead* I saw that I had one too many ORDER BY's there and
forgot to send an update. :)
Glad it helped!
mysql, sql, query
"It's hip to snip!"
WHERE ap_type='Original Movie Poster'
ORDER BY sort_title ASC
HAVING sort_title LIKE 'G%'
ORDER BY sort_title ASC
You may have to swap the HAVING and ORDER BY lines of the query,
Thanks so much. There was a slight syntax change, replacing your first ORDER
BY with a GROUP BY, but i
On 5 Jun 2002, at 14:30, Ian M. Evans wrote:
> As per previous suggestions, I use sort_title so that film titles like
> "The Godfather" get sorted as "Godfather". In the above select I was
> trying to narrow the search down so I could grab all the films that
> started with 'G' but still using the
SELECT posterdata.*, IF (aptitle LIKE 'The %',SUBSTRING(aptitle,5),IF
(aptitle LIKE 'A %',SUBSTRING(aptitle,3),IF (aptitle LIKE 'An
%',SUBSTRING(aptitle,4),aptitle))) AS sort_title FROM posterdata WHERE
ap_type='Original Movie Poster' AND sort_title LIKE 'G%' ORDER BY sort_title
As per
Ah, after I write my SQL SELECT query I discover that you can't use WHERE
with an alias.
Here's what I'm trying to do:
SELECT posterdata.*, IF (aptitle LIKE 'The %',SUBSTRING(aptitle,5), IF
(aptitle LIKE 'A %',SUBSTRING(aptitle,3),IF (aptitle LIKE 'An
%',SUBSTRING(aptitle,4),aptitle))) AS sort_t