an update statement is supposed to return the # of rows updated, so the
client must wait for a response, which means the client will wait if you
low_priority your updates. But if they are insert delayed then the
client gets a return immediately. This behavior limits the usefullness
of low
Dathan Vance Pattishall wrote:
This is on a separate drive?
yes, the database is the only thing on the high speed RAID. everything
else is on the other drive (also a RAID but only RAID0 with 2 drives).
any ideas
> -Original Message-
> From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jon Drukman
> Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 3:21 PM
> Subject: avoiding "Locked" threads
> I've got a very high traffic discussion forum database that is
I've got a very high traffic discussion forum database that is
constantly running into a problem with lots and lots of threads in the
"Locked" state. i was under the impression that MySQL could
update/insert and select from the same table at the same time, but it
doesn't seem to be the case.