In the manual we see
  If you have non-`latin1' data stored in a 4.0 `latin1' table and want
  to convert the table column definitions to reflect the actual character
  set of the data, use the instructions in *Note Charset-conversion::.

But what about e.g., users who have big5 data sorted as latin1 but
want it instead converted and stored as utf8? Do also mention it.

A table with 25 fields, most of which varchar, he will surely need to
manually do many commands.

OK, gasp,
$ mysqldump --default-character-set=binary test dict|
  iconv -f big5 -t utf8|sed s/latin1/utf8/g\;s/dict/dict2/g|mysql test
$ echo "SELECT * from dict2;"|mysql --default-character-set=utf8 > 

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