Further examination of the documents reveals a variable that addresses
this... I fixed it with this entry in my.cnf:
set-variable= lower_case_table_name=0
According to the MySQL manual lower_case_table_name defaults to 0 for all
instances except Windows, where it defaults to 1... Not clear wh
Hi. We are migrating our Solaris setup to an OSX server. I used InnoDB Hot
Backup to copy the InnoDB files, and copied the .frm files for each of the
Under OSX I connect top the server and it sees the databases. If I use
some_database where some_database has mixed case table names I see
Heey Folks,
I've got this small problem... I'm working on a site (www.esctoday.com). In
runs on PHP and MySQL. The remote server has some linux version, for local
testing of scripts I use Windows 2000. And now the problem, when I run a
create tables script on windows 2000 it changes the capitaliz