Our current database setup consists of 3 machines, each running MySQL 4;
these three databases are more or less independent of each other, are
roughly running on P3/1.5GHz boxes with 1GB of RAM each, and they all
have RAID.

For the most part, the setup works, but we are running into limits. For
starters, the production-level work these databases do don't use much of
the resources, but if we want to take backups (a dump via mysqladmin) or
run manual statistical queries, machines slow down quite a bit.

Secondly, we had a power outage a few days ago that corrupted a lot of
tables. The RAID is primary suspect in this case. The tables were all
successfully repaired, but we'd like to avoid a similar incident in the

So we've been given the greenlight to upgrade these servers. Here is
what we are thinking about doing.

    1. Upgrade the machines to MySQL 5

    2. For each machine, order a brand new box (with no RAID) that will
       become a master, and have the current db become its slave, i.e.:

           [new db0 (master)] --- [old db0 (slave)]

           [new db1 (master)] --- [old db1 (slave)]

           [new db2 (master)] --- [old db2 (slave)]

Now, we can take backups and run whatever special queries we need on the
slaves, and the masters for the most part will be untouched.
Not running RAID on the new machines should also take care of table
corruption in case of power loss.

Given our needs as described above, is this the proper solution?

Here is the only thing we are uncomfortable with: disks tend to go
fairly frequently. If we don't use RAID on our masters, if a disk goes,
and the slave is not synced up to it, we lose some data. How do you
address this? (I guess you could use RAID 1...)

Secondly, for a MySQL server, what is a decent machine spec? ("Decent"
being mostly undefined, but lets say that it should be capable of
handling some medium size website.)


N.J. Thomas
Etiamsi occiderit me, in ipso sperabo

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