Hello, all.

As of Friday the 20th, I'm running MySQL 3.23.56-1.72 on Red Hat 7.2, at which time a consultant overwrote the existing MySQL-3.23.49a / MySQL-Max-3.23.53a installation.

The server won't start up, and the mysqld.log file reports:

030624 17:24:25 mysqld started
/usr/libexec/mysqld: unrecognized option `--innodb_data_home_dir=/usr/local/mysql/var/'

...so I'm surmising that the 3.23.56 installation doesn't know about the mysql-max.

I need to fix this while preserving the data. I'm fairly unfamiliar with MySQL.

Any help is appreciated.
Joseph Rank
Senior Software Engineer
Joule Software, Inc.
v 512.329.9370
f 512.328.2062

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