Background: Solaris 10, MySQL 5.0.45.

I have changed something recently that is causing the error log file to be
created with mode 660. I would like for it it be mode 664. I admit that I
recently changed the my.cnf file and added a log-error line which did not
have the fully qualified path and cause mysqld to write the file in the
install directory rather than in the data directory, but have since
restarted the server without that line.

show variables says the file is in './' .

I've been looking at the docs, but can't find any reference to how to set
the permissions on that file. I use logadm to rotate the error log file and
restart the server.

The problem is my monitor software wants to read that file and can't.

There's no problem with it being world readable since the server is
dedicated to MySQL and no one can log in there.

Thanks for any pointers.

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