
I am trying to install wokbench on Linux box I am running Debian (SID).

First I downloaded the file mysql-workbench-1.0.6beta-linux-i386.tar.gz,
then I did:

1. $ tar xvzf mysql-workbench-1.0.6beta-linux-i386.tar.gz

2. In the created folder I ran bin$ sh mysql-workbench

3. Nothing happens, and I got several messages, these are the last ones:
  (mysql-workbench-bin:3083): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **:
g_type_register_static: assertion `parent_type > 0' failed
mysql-workbench: line 18:  3083 Segmentation fault      $PRG-bin $*

4. Then, trying to work around this I checked my libraries and everything
needed is installed like gcc 4.x and glibc-2.2 is installed too. So I
modifies the file located at
~/mysql-workbench/share/applications/MySQLWorkbench.desktop to point the
file located on ~/mysql-workbench/bin/ then I opened konqueror click to the
file MySQLWorkbench.deskto I get feedback from the cursor seconds later it
stops bouncing a no application is loaded. What am doing wrong? What am

Because the above didn't work I tried the following:

1. Got the file mysql-workbench-1.0.6beta-1.i386.rpm

2. Convert it to a deb package and installed it with # alien -i

3. I can see the shortcut on the main KDE menu and it looks like is loading,
but nothing happens, if I do a # dpkg -l '*mysql*' the package is listed and
installed, also if I try #dpkg -l mysql-workbench I get this:

| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err:
||/ Name                   Version                Description
ii  mysql-workbench        1.0.6beta-2            A MySQL visual modeling

So I don't know what going on, any thoughts

Thank you


Iván Alemán ~ [[ m o f o ]] ~
Debian (SID)

Version: 3.12
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