> > I get this error while taking mysqldump of an InnoDB table (say
> "mytable")
> > mysqldump: Error 5: *Out of memory (Needed 632894352 bytes) when dumping
> > table `mytable` at row: 484911*
> >
> >
> > *current my.cnf settings:*
nd read various suggestions. But
> havnt found an appropriate solution yet.
> I get this error while taking mysqldump of an InnoDB table (say "mytable")
> mysqldump: Error 5: *Out of memory (Needed 632894352 bytes) when dumping
> table `mytable` at row: 484911*
> *cur
Hey Guys!
I have been googling a lot on this error and read various suggestions. But
havnt found an appropriate solution yet.
I get this error while taking mysqldump of an InnoDB table (say "mytable")
mysqldump: Error 5: *Out of memory (Needed 632894352 bytes) when dumping
table `mytab