
how I can set Permission on Tables and Columns?
I have create a user "Hugo" with no permissions in the user, hosts and db table.
Then I type:
grant select(Sp1,Sp2), update(Sp2) on MyTestBase.Tab1 to hugo@localhost;
grant select on MyTestBase.Tab1 to hugo@localhost;
flush privileges;

in the "columns_priv" and "tables_priv" the permission are right....

when I type "show grants for hugo@localhost;" i get 

Grants for hugo@localhost 


GRANT SELECT (Sp2, Sp1) ON MyTestBase.Tab1 TO 'hugo'@'localhost' 

1 row(s) affected on show grants for hugo@localhost

So I think everything is right, but i cannot access with hugo..... why????

Even, when I set "select" right to the Database direktly I can access to the Database. 
But wenn I set a "update" right to a seperate column it dosn't work(i cannot update, 
but access)

is there an other thing I have not done?????

the same scrips works on linux perfektly....

thanks for everyone how can help me.....

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