query doesn't make use perfectly valid indexes ...

2001-11-16 Thread Philip Lijnzaad
Dear all, I have the following query: SELECT distinct pf.* FROM homo_sapiens_lite_120.gene lg, homo_sapiens_lite_120.gene_prot lgp, homo_sapiens_core_120.protein_feature pf WHERE lg.chr_name = 'chr22' AND lg.gene = lgp.gene AND lgp.translation_id =

SOLVED: query doesn't make use perfectly valid indexes ...

2001-11-16 Thread Philip Lijnzaad
Hi all, it turns out that I'm trying to join a varchar(40) to an int(10). I didn't know MySQL allows this (and does it correctly, apparently through an intermediate table). Sorry to not have noticed earlier. Is there a way to get more strict behaviour, just to catch errors like this ?