On Monday 31 March 2003 02:37, vinita Vigine Murugiah wrote:

> I have been use mysql ver 3.23.53, also I'm using on DELETE CASECADE. It
> seems working fine.
> I believe UPDATE CASECADE is working from version 4.0.8.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>-------------- I have following problem (purchaseOrder_items::orderNum
> reference
> purchaseOrder_items; ::orderNum)
> select * from purchaseOrder;
> +----------+-----------------+------------+-----------+------------+
> | orderNum | orderSupplierID | orderDate  | orderNote | orderTotal |
> +----------+-----------------+------------+-----------+------------+
> | 123      | k1              | 2003-03-26 | testing   |        250 |
> +----------+-----------------+------------+-----------+------------+
> 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
> mysql> select * from purchaseOrder_items;
> +----------+--------+-----------+----------+---------------+
> | orderNum | itemID | itemList  | itemCost | itemDelivDate |
> +----------+--------+-----------+----------+---------------+
> | 123      | book1  | equipment |      100 | 2003-03-26    |
> | 123      | book2  | equp      |      150 | 2003-03-26    |
> +----------+--------+-----------+----------+---------------+
> 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> mysql> update purchaseOrder_items set orderNum="567" where orderNum="123";
> ERROR 1216: Cannot add a child row: a foreign key constraint fails

I'm not sure if it's permitted.

> mysql>
> mysql>
> mysql> update purchaseOrder set orderNum="567" where orderNum="123";
> ERROR 1217: Cannot delete a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails

It worked fine for me on 4.0.12. So, upgrade is recommended.

> I can NOT edit the orderNum. It seems the only way to edit the orderNum
> is, delete the children (purchaseOrder_items) or move to a tem table,
> then edit the parent orderNum and add back the children with the new
> orderNum, This is to many transactions.
> Is there any better way to edit foreign key values
> Of course I can switch to the a upper mysql version(4.0.8), if that is
> the only solution, which one is recommendable??
> Thanks

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