
I'm building a dual master set up that looks something like this:

master A <-----> master B
    |                        |
slave A             slave B

Replication between the masters works.  Replication between the slaves and
their respective masters works (ie, inserts on master A
are replicated to slave A, and inserts on master B are replicated to slave
B).  However,  queries that are run on master A, do *not* make it all the
way to slave B.  The queries execute on master B but I have verified that
they are not being written to master B's binary log.  Hence, slave B is not
seeing the updates.  I can't find any extra configuration options in the
docs that shed light on this issue.  Have I missed something, or have I
found a bug?

I'm running mysql-5.0.22 on Solaris.


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